Diez Alonso y Cía, S.L. (Marini) - Other paving equipment

Secmair Edensprayer

Cisterna Of irrigation: for ligantes hidrocarbonados of high technology

Picture of Cisterna Of irrigation
Edensprayer Is a cisterna of irrigation for ligantes hidrocarbonados of high technology. The dosage is ensured by computer and guarantees a coefficient of transversal variation according to the norm NF P 98-160.

Edensprayer Answers equally to the exigencias of marked CE of the superficial Treatments. It has been designed and developed by the office of studies according to the philosophy of the 5 And: essence, economy, ecology, ergonomics and evolution.

Between his characteristics stand out:

Cuba with capacity in function of the model of truck and of the distribution of loads and of the included options, of quadrangular form that allows to recess the centre of gravity, mouth of man capotada and calorifugada with fast opening, cubeta of cleaning, platform of access to the mouth of man with rail of hygiene, indicator of level type float graduated each 1.000 litres, thermometer with dial graduated of 0 to 200 °C, put in the open air automatic with hygiene, casting of the cisterna by gravity with valve of cut, breaks waves to limit the movements of the product during the transfers.

thermal sensors sensors isolation: with thickness of 100 mm, layer of wool of high rock braided density, protection by sheet of Duralinox and supresión of the thermal sensors bridges reducing the loss of heat.

Device of warming with burner with lit and automatic regulation, with power of 175 kWt, stainless chimney of evacuation of the gases, tank of independent diesel 50 l recognised UTAC, pyrometer with indication of the temperature of the ligante with repetition in cabin, put in the open air automatic of the cisterna during the warming and arrest of warming, in case of level of ligante insufficient.

Rampa Telescopic: with 48 jets, tubes and needles in inox distance 100 mm, rampa Inox, total width blackened 5,00 m, warming of the rampa by fluid calo bearer, jets of bank, opening individual commando and closing of the jets by pistones pneumatics double effect, rampa in two elements, extremes articulated to both sides providing (a better protection against lateral impacts by accident), captadores that allow to collect the rampa in case of crashes, arms of rigid feeding with racores giratorios, conceived for the use of ligantes viscous, integrated cheese cheese transversal trip that allows to the rampa displace to right or to left until 1,25 m, entirely protected by the rear platform, hydraulics elevation, rampa and arms of feeding entirely heated by fluid calo bearer and 2 possible discharges in the rampa. (Option rampa 6,20 m of width).

Volumetric bomb: 70 m3/h with proportional discharge to the speed of advance, accionada by hydraulics engine, with double camera heated by the circuit calo bearer and filter of ligante gifted of a captador of colmatación, heated by the circuit calo bearer with cestillo removable accessible from the floor.

Circuit ligante: with modular valves with accionamiento pneumatics heated by the circuit calo bearer, comandadas by the computer from the cabin.

Circuit of air compressesed: with tank tampon, filter, regulator, and manometer of control.

Hydraulics circuit designed to reduce the consumption of the truck with hydraulics bomb of cilindrada variable.

It launches manual of aluminium: with filter of diffusion with conical jet, flexible tube of 15 m with enrollador automatic, key of closing, empuñadura of manoeuvre and tray of removable dripping.

Warming termo flowed with special boiler termo fluent incorporated in the tub.

Automatism of dosage that calculates and corrects instantly the speed of rotation of the bomb, in function of the dosage programmed, the speed of advance of the truck attracted by radar, and of the number of jets selected.

Space of storage with big cofre leading convertible and cofres of lateral storage with doors of closing with keys.