ULMA Carretillas Elevadoras - Engine powered forklift trucks (diesel, gas, ...)

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Grendía Ex Diesel

Carts thermal sensors sensors diesel: with capacities of load of 4.000 kg to 5.500 kg

Picture of Carts thermal sensors sensors diesel
For applications of big intensity proposes the series Grendía Ex composed by carts elevador diesel or LPG with capacities comprised between 4.000 and 5.500 kg and a height of elevation of 3 to 7 m. The series Grendía Ex offers of flawless way the perfect combination between resistance, productivity and reliability with a clean operation and an ergonomic design. The engine diesel industrial is of a big reliability and resistance fulfilling with the rule of control of broadcasts. Whereas the engine LPG advanced with conversor catalytic of three roads, provides a power controlled and precise, a big saving of fuel and some very low broadcasts. Thanks to the systems of steering and hydraulics electronically assisted, these carts offer a precise control and without effort. Besides his operation is silent, soft and perfectly balanced because of his train of power totally floating with a transmission of two speeds of advance and one of course backwards that increases the capacity of promotion in slope and the speed of trip.