Business Moulding Supplies, S.L. - BMS (BMS-PMS) - Other components for injection moulding machines

BMS B800

Cameras: enriched with boro-hierro nickel alloy

Picture of Cameras
Bi-metal cylinders structural sheath is composed of steel microalloying that maintains an excellent righteousness and good resistance.

B800:-composition of tungsten carbide particles evenly dispersed in a matrix of nickel corrosion resistant alloy.

-Exceptional resistance to abrasive wear and corrosion-basic to highly abrasive materials such as those containing 35% or more of glass fibers or mineral compounds (calcium carbonate,...) or materials difficult to melt the HMW-HDPE and LLDPE.

-Resistant against corrosive of the desgasificaciones of polymers and additives.

-Used in extrusion and injection.