Casli, S.A. - Snowplow systems

Meyer Lot Pro

Blades quitanieves: manufactured in steel

Picture of Blades quitanieves
Blade quitanieves built in steel. System of hygiene by means of elastic docks and system of elevation by means of switchboard electrohidraúlica, fed by the battery of the truck. It includes lights “Night Know” and cover of rubber on switchboard.

This blade has of an angle of attack of 75º with which ensures a better performance when it treats of freezing snow and/or prensada. Some elements of the paralelogramo have been modified and have planted material of greater consistency by what this model is able to move greater volumes of snow.

Optionally it can instrument with some mobile ailerons to reach a greater width of cleaning.

Control to distance pistol grip with system free hands (HFP) that allows to the operario remove snow so much leaves backwards (exit of garage) like course forward, going down and going up the blade of automatic form selecting the modality of work wished.

It has of a system of car diagnostic by means of lights of colours that identifies of fast and simple form the electrical problem that affects to the operation of the blade.

The tubular structure of push to provide the maximum resistance and a suitable distribution of the efforts along all the surface of the blade. There are two points of anchorage to reduce the efforts during the works of cleaning of snow.


- Thickness of sheet of the plate quitanieves: 2,6 mm.

- Number of rear reinforcements: 6.

- Number of docks of absorption of impacts: 4.

- Dimensions of rascadora: 1,27 x 15,2 cm.

- Career of the cylinders of orientation: 4 x 25,4 cm.