Casli, S.A. - Snowplow systems

Meyer Drive pro 6.8 hitch mount

Blades quitanieves: hydraulics or manual orientation

Picture of Blades quitanieves
The model of blade Meyer Drive pro 6.8 hitch mount supposes a variant on the previous model having of a system of specific anchorage and of a system of accionamiento equally specific that achieves a group of blade much lighter.

With this model the orientation of the blade can be hydraulics but also manual, serving of the resistance that opone the mass of snow to the blade to achieve the necessary orientation.

The design of the plates achieves a perfect evacuation of the snow, includes blades rascadoras resistant to the abrasion and easily recambiables.

Like system of hygiene includes game of elastic docks for absorption of possible crashes against obstacles.

Control to distance pistol grip with system free hands (HFP) that allows to the operario remove snow so much leaves backwards (exit of garage) like course forward, going down and going up the blade of automatic form selecting the modality of work that wish .

It has of a system of car diagnostic by means of lights of colours that identifies of fast and simple form the electrical problem that affects to the operation of the blade.

They incorporate switchboard, skate, game of lights, and frame of setting.

With the purchase of a blade Meyer will be him supplied of form totally free a boat of hydraulics oil Meyer M-1 and a tube of dielectric fat to protect of the action corrosiva of the salt all the electrical connections and surfaces cromadas (cylinders).

To facilitate and win rapidity in the join up and decouple of the blade on the vehicle has of this system that consists in a bulón of 5 cm that it is the only point of connection with the vehicle, treats of a system the sufficiently robust to bear all the pertinent efforts of the cleaning of snow.

To do easier the setting and desmontaje of the blade has of some integrated wheels inside the plate of the blade, this supposes also an advantage for his storage out of season.

The tubular structure of push gives consistency to the group is designed to provide the maximum resistance and a suitable distribution of the efforts along all the surface of the blade. There are two points of anchorage to reduce the efforts during the works of cleaning of snow.


- Wide total: 2,03 m.

- Wide of cleaning: 1,83 m.

- Height: 0,57 m.

- Weight aprox: 137 kg.

- Thickness of sheet of the plate quitanieves: 2 mm.

- Number of rear reinforcements: 6.

- Number of docks of absorption of impacts: 2.

- Dimensions of rascadora: 0,63 x 15 cm.

- Career of the cylinders of orientation: 3,81 x 25,4 cm.