Equipos y Maquinaria Domag, S.L. - Pneumatic atomisers

Andreoli Serie Eco

Atomizador: with device of recovery of the air

Picture of Atomizador
The series Echo of Andreoli are atomizador that come instrumented with a device of recovery of the air for a total efficiency of the fan.

This repercute in a symmetrical and optimum distribution of penetration that allows to arrive to the highest part of the plant thanks to a flow of auxiliary air regulable.

It Realizar double or triple streams antigoteo for low doses, half or high. It includes the protection antihojas.

The series Echo can be instrumented with the system To.R.I. (Aeroconveción With Recovery of the air and Reverse ventilation). The previous aspiration of the air allows a clean “broadcast” of the mix, avoiding the eddy of the product atomizado, of leaves and of detritos. The fan impulsante of the To.R.I is axial with 12 shovels to variable step.

The four available models are: 1.000, 1.500, 2.000 and 3.000. His weights are: 590, 620, 640 and 870 kg, respectively.