Agnano Inversiones - WW Planen, Agencia en España, Latinoamérica, Norte de África y Oriente Medio. - Chain excavators


Amphibious excavators: it works with balancines of different lengths that go of the 8 to the 16 metres

Picture of Amphibious excavators
The amphibious excavator characterises by an excellent versatility, control, high strength of excavation, simple maintenance and comfortable cabin to increase the productivity and reduce costs of operation. The amphibious excavator, is a machine developed from the practical technology that arose in the different marshes. With the adjustable special pontoon hidráulicamente in width and the fast system of setting (train of normal landing and train of amphibious landing)

Marshes, channels, small and big lakes, can be easily crossed thanks to that this machine is totally apt to work so much in dry means like humid. The total sinking or the subsidencia of this machine are not possible since his work is very efficient in this type of means. The pressesure by square centimetre that exerts this machine on the floor, is very low which diminishes the damages on the half treaty.

Because of the big extensions that cover the marshes, the amphibious excavator was designed to have a hold maximum.


- The machines are entirely developed and built in group with the partners. This has the advantage that the production adapts to the needs of the customer.


- they distribute several models of scheme classified of agreement to his weight between 12 and 50 tonnes.

Length of the arm:

- The amphibious excavator works with balancines of different lengths that go of the 8 to the 16 metres.

Train of landing:

- The train of amphibious landing consists of 2 floating platforms that are connected to schemes it. The train of landing of the amphibious excavator sells also separately.


- The amphibious excavator can be transported easily. The setting and the desmontaje of schemes it take less than an hour, in the case of the standard system and near of 20 minutes in the new system. All the machine transports in two trailers of platform. The transport does not exceed the 2,50 metres of width and the 3,40 metres of high.

Optional lateral supports:

- The amphibious excavator can be instrumented with additional lateral floats, which allows a greater support in unstable surfaces. Of this way can work until a depth of some 4 metres. Withdrawing the lateral supports can work until a depth of roughly 1,60 metres.