Tallers Antoni Miquel, S.L. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Tallers Antoni Miquel, S.L.
Ctra. Nacional II, km 480,9
25222 Sidamon (Lleida) Spain
☎:  +34‑973717151  
🖷:  +34‑973560342
w:  www.amiquel.com

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Tallers Antoni Miquel, S.L.

A.MIQUEL company: our services: technical advice on maintenance activities.
Marketing of new and reconditioned LINDE forklift trucks.
Rental of lift trucks both long and short term.
Renting forklifts.
Sale of original spare parts LINDE.
Maintenance and repair of forklifts LINDE.
Formation of carters.

Our goals: provide comprehensive and quality services that respond to their needs and demands effectively and profitably, ensuring that its processes are not interrupted.
Ensure a follow-up of the performance of the carretillasLinde.
Customize our services and develop a lasting relationship with the client based on trust.