Anzeve, Productos Siderúrgicos y de la Construcción, S.L.U. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Anzeve, Productos Siderúrgicos y de la Construcción, S.L.U.
Diego Marín Aguilera 4 - Parque Cientifico y Tecnológico de Leganés
28919 Leganés (Madrid) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑916334553  

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Anzeve, Productos Siderúrgicos y de la Construcción, S.L.U.

ANZEVE Distributes machinery and tools of high technological level for the sectors of construction, public work, industry, geotecnia and minería. The company is specialised in equipments for demolición, manufacturing of floors and surfaces, cutting of concrete, perforación, geotecnia and mineria, measurement, repair of structures and auxiliary equipment of work.

They have of equipment of the most modern technology, that increase the productivity and the profitability of the activity of the company at the same time that improve the conditions of work. They offer also a complete service of technical assistance, learning and set up to solve any incidence of the day in day out.

The company has his headquarters in the Scientific and Technological Park of Leganés, a business space allocated to favour the culture of the innovation in the company like element of competitive improvement. In this business Park, Anzeve has of some logistical means, technological and of investigation inmejorables. Besides, they are more linked with the University Carlos III, entity with which Anzeve collaborates in activities of investigation, learning and corporate social responsibility.

ANZEVE Has obtained the certifications of quality ISO-9001 and ISO-14001, that guarantee that all the procedures find standardised and fulfil with the corresponding guidelines.