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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at La Asociación Ibérica de Tecnología sin Zanja apuesta por ciudades más transitables

The Iberian Association of Technology without Resolves bet by cities more transitables


5 June 2012

The Iberian Association of Technology Without Resolves, IbSTT, National Member of ISTT (International Society for Trenchless Technology), celebrates the X edition of the Signature of the Letter of the City Without Resolve, in the frame of Tecma 2012, International Fair of the Urbanismo and the Environingingment, organised by Ifema, together with the third Living room of the Recovery and the Recycled, and that will celebrate in the Fair of Madrid of the 12 to 15 June next. The act of the Signature of this Letter will take place the day 14 June.

This edition pretends to inform of a clear way, to the different Administrations, Associations, Professional Schools, Engineers, environingingmental Consultancies, Hydrographic Confederations, Universities, Centres of Investigation and Technological Development, companies Constructors and of Civil Work, service companies, electrical, distribution of gas, telephony, networks of supply and saneamiento, machinery and equipment, hygiene and environingingment, manufacturers and/or distributors of equipment, pipes, accessories and elements for all type of drivings, municipalities, deputations, cabildos, mancomunidades, autonomous communities, companies borrowers of services, manufacturers of goods of team and installations for the waste management and aseo urban, etc., that exist other technologies, the Technologies Without Resolve, that are available, that are in the market and that they are technologies that satisfy the needs of the present without putting in danger the capacities of the future, by what are considered by the UN like technologies ecologically rational and medioambientalmente sustainable.

Cover systems and products that present the potential to offer a performance medioambientalmente improved in comparison with other technologies to which substitute (Diary 21 Cap.34). They are less contaminantes, use the resources of form more sustainable and treat the waste of form more acceptable that the technologies that have come to substitute.

The Letter of the City Without Resolves already has been signed in previous editions by the Channel of Elizabeth II, the AEAS, more than 10 City councils and other organisms and entities that think that is possible the urbanisation of our city respecting to the citizens and to the Environingingment, following the model of the rest of countries where these technologies already are implanted with big success from the years 80.

Promotes a sustainable development of the cities by means of the use of the Technologies Without Resolve, Technologies No Dig, Trenchless Technology in the works of urbanisation -especially with occasion of the installation or rehabilitation of channelling- whenever it was technical and economically possible, with seen to salvaguardar, protect and improve: the hygiene in the works, so much of operarios as of pedestrians; the tranquility of the neighbours and, in general, of the users; the Environingingment and the sustainable development

With the Technologies without Resolve can instrument the cities and develop subterranean networks (water, gas, electricity, saneamiento, telecommunications) respecting to the citizen and to the Environingingment. They are another alternative for the works, treats of a group of solutions that minimise the annoyances in the realisation of works: noises, dust, detours and atascos; they improve the hygiene of operarios and pedestrians; salvaguardan the tranquility of the neighbours and respect the environingingment.

This initiative was cream following the model of the 30 national societies TT (Trenchless Technology) homologous to IbSTT existent in the rest of countries of the world and all they tied to a common trunk, International Society for Trenchless Technology (ISTT), an international network of cont

The Signature of the Letter of the City without Resolve will have the participation of an International Commission of Executive Delegates of other STT, and will take advantage of to announce the next celebration, in the Fair of Madrid, of the Congress International No Dig 2014 Madrid, of the 13 to 15 October 2014.

Like this, Madrid will be for the first time in his history Calm Official of the 32 ª Edition of the World-wide Congress and Universal Exhibition on the Technology Without Resolves. This only and singular event promocionará the mark Spain abroad and will convert to Madrid in shop window of all the world, serving, besides, of bridge of union and platform of exchange with Latin America.

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