
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a Marc Fuster, administrador de Cervera, Sistemas de Pinturas
"Just the little skilled labour that serves for everything"

Interview with Marc Fuster, Cervera, paintings systems administrator

Javier García06/06/2011

on June 6, 2011

In the last edition of Construmat 2011, Interempresas wanted to press the view of the sector, see first hand how they live and understand the situation facing the construction industry, small and medium-sized enterprises of our country. Marc Fuster, Manager of the company, Cervera, paint systems, pioneer in the protection of the galvanized through epoxy primers and finishing of polyurethane-based systems, aimed at the rehabilitation as one of the possible ways to survive the crisis, and encourages SMEs to embark on the adventure of the internationalization, to travel to emerging countries where offer their products and services.
Marc Fuster, administrator of Cervera, systems of paintings
Marc Fuster, administrator of Cervera, systems of paintings.

Why has the industry come to this situation?

There are so many factors - political, social and financial - that escapes us. Obviously, the global financial crisis has been one of them.

But not the only one?

No. There have been a false perception of what they were worth things. We have been evaluating the real estate sector in a way quite exorbitant. The fact that banks and financial institutions have lent money at low interest rates, without realizing the risk that it implied, has exacerbated the situation. The crisis is being ahead to companies with smaller financial muscle that have not been able to withstand the downturn in its billing.

And what will happen with the rest?

Well, I think that the crisis will act as it screens, such as quality control of the sector to put in evidence the adaptive capacity of the companies. Those who do not pass the filter will close. I think that the own crisis carries part of the solution because it acts as a sick tree pruning, and it is forcing the surviving companies to rethink the business and optimize processes.

Rear facade of the city of Les Franqueses del Vallès (Barcelona), after the work of Cervera, systems of paintings
Rear facade of the city of Les Franqueses del Vallès (Barcelona), after the work of Cervera, systems of paintings.
"Subsector of rehabilitation has highly qualified companies and tradition, which today have to compete with the intrusion of others who were previously engaged in new construction"

At this point, as well as being competitive, what solutions does propose?

Adequate legislation. It is important to keep the fiscal aid to rehabilitation. All these laws to help the maintenance of buildings favor this subsector, the only one within the construction currently growing.

And they are our companies prepared to do so? They have our companies with technology and expertise?

It is a sub-sector which requires great dedication and professionalism, and our country has highly specialized companies with a long tradition. The problem is that there are currently long intrusion.

By who?

Companies previously engaged in new construction and who now see his way of salvation in rehabilitation.

An edition of opportunities

While recognizing the great difference from the edition of 2009 regarding dimensions, number of exhibitors and exhibition area, Fuster States not seen so many differences in content. "Already then loomed the importance of sustainable construction in areas such as energy saving, heat insulation and the use of renewable energy." "This Construmat have confirmed that it is a selling point for a large number of products and services".

The administrator of Cervera, systems of paintings also stresses the introduction of more advanced technical procedures, and systems which, in his view, "it allows to reduce significantly the incidence of the labour-intensive, but on the other hand, it requires good preparation and training of the staff that you install these products and systems, as well as a greater specialization". This situation brings with it its own consequences: "Just the little skilled labour that serves for all".

Fuster also underlines the relevance in this edition of Construmat from the conjunction of concepts such as sustainability, innovation and rehabilitation. "The construction sector has always been quite traditional and in my view the entry in game of these concepts represents a form of advance and improve," he argues.

"Governments should encourage more theoretical training combined with the practice at all levels." "What happens is that these policies do not give immediate fruits or electoral gains, and traditionally have careless"

What more can do for refloating the sector?

It is imperative that the employer and trade union leaders put objective common and basic business development. Also ask the Administration to encourage more theoretical training combined with the practice at all levels.

With this we would a skilled and specialized workforce...

Yes, and they improve parameters of productivity and quality of the sector. What happens is that these policies do not give immediate fruits or electoral gains, and traditionally neglected.

From this edition of Construmat proposed internationalisation as a way to survive.

Yes, without a doubt it is another way out, but for SMEs to internationalize its activities represents a financial effort not always acceptable. I think that the Administration should promote interaction and collaboration between companies so that the most ambitious can achieve their goals of expansion.


Individually is difficult, but with timely advice and help many small and medium-sized enterprises could create clusters for power, together and taking advantage of synergies, go outside.

Do you think that our companies can be competitive abroad?

Big Spanish corporations are competitive it is no secret. In fact, develop projects around the world, and not only in countries developing. But they are not going to solve the enormous unemployment rate afflicting the sector of the construction in Spain. SMEs, for its part, may not have as easy, but I think that the Spanish product at these levels is internacionalizable. Technical middle managers in our country have a great preparation.

The before and after a building rehabilitated by the company
The before and after a building rehabilitated by the company.

25 years in the sector

Cervera, systems of paintings, S.L. is a company located in Rubí (Barcelona), with more than 25 years of experience in the field of construction. Its activity focuses on the application of paints and technical coatings formulated from synthetic resins for anti-corrosion protection of steel structures, the making of continuous paving, the waterproofing of roofs and a myriad of specific applications. Pioneer in the protection of the galvanized by primers based systems is considered a epoxy and polyurethane finishes. Currently, maintains its innovative nature with the introduction of coatings of high anticorrosive performance based on formulations in base water (eco-friendly).

His activity was extended from 2003 with the entry into the market of the rehabilitation and restoration. Since then also apply thermal insulation systems and provides advice to optimize the energy consumption of buildings and make them more sustainable from an environmental point of view.

Since 2007 has the classification (K-7 d) that allows you to undertake rehabilitation works of unique buildings and historical heritage, maintaining constructive traditional techniques where appropriate.

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