
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a Pilar Navarro, directora del salón Construmat
"We can offer Brazil from prefabricated housing units of ten point to constructive processes for a large volume of public works"

Interview with Pilar Navarro, Director of the Construmat exhibition

Mar Martínez05/05/2011

May 5, 2011

Approaching the challenge for employers in the construction... and wood Windows and doors..., as if an army of dominoes, one after another, they were, suffering the ups and downs of the constructive heartbeat. The bet for the exploration of markets beyond Spain, confidence in the lifeline of the rehabilitation and the promotion of sustainability focused, inter alia, the interests of the Hall Construmat, Fira de Barcelona's Gran Via venue hosts from 16 to 21 May.

Brazil, guest country

What kind of projects and machinery can be sold the Spanish companies that presented at Construmat Brazilian entrepreneurs?

Directly sell products is difficult because this type of article does not leave, but that you can establish important business relationships, either through joint ventures or other forms of collaboration. For example, from the recruitment of a Spanish architect who prescribed by Spanish products to develop products that conform to the needs of the Brazilian plaintiff.

The President of Construmat, Josep Miarnau, has pointed out that it is valued in Brazil "knowing that they are fifteen years of intensive production", in relation to the hyperactivity of the sector before the crisis. What aspects of this 'industrialization' are interested?

In a very short space of time, Brazil has rehabilitated more than 2 million homes in addition to dealing with a large volume of infrastructure for the modernisation of a country that will host two major events, such as the FIFA World Cup 2014 and the 2016 Rio Olympics. As the great platform for building, Construmat can offer all kinds of solutions. From prefabricated housing with modules that can reach ten heights up to construction processes to deal with a large volume of public works.

You say that a country that will take a few games in a town, River, overlooking the sea, is quite identified with a city like Barcelona, where the experience of transformation lived twenty years ago...

Own organizers of the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro have so made it public. In fact, the President of the Organizing Committee, Carlos Nuzman, said that Barcelona is its model to follow. The brand image of Barcelona, its importance as capital of architecture and construction, which is reflected in Construmat, every two years is a very important guarantee that, in this sense, has to know take advantage.

Brazil is a very protectionist market. How to save this stumbling block?

The tariff issue is a very important subject in what refers to commercial contacts with Brazil. In order to answer questions and explain the best way to enter a country which, on the other hand, only has a free port, we have organised a schedule of technical sessions to advise companies interested in working in and with Brazil. To this end, we have the collaboration of Icex and various Brazilian sectoral associations who will be present at Construmat. In addition, the Association of promoters builders Spain (APCE), which already has spent time working in Brazil, will organize a day which will explain what his reality there.

Casa Barcelona is an initiative to show prototypes of houses and buildings. Construmat 2009. Photo: Barcelona Fira/Construmat...
Casa Barcelona is an initiative to show prototypes of houses and buildings. Construmat 2009. Photo: Barcelona Fira/Construmat.


With emerging countries have signed agreements to promote the visit to the Salon?

After Construmat 2009, we started to work closely with exhibitors and visitors to know what were their needs. The answer was unanimous: out of the crisis, had to go for internationalization. And after a process of analysis, we can see that projects move where there is need of construction. And it is clear that this is happening in emerging countries that, on the other hand, do not have enough structure to deal with high rates of construction. In this sense, Brazil is almost a priority. In addition to their related projects with the World Cup or the Olympic Games in Rio, Brazil, as a tourist country that it is, is interested in developing environmentally friendly tourism projects with the environment. We have also established agreements with Morocco, Peru, Mexico, Chile and Argentina, among other countries, which have great potential.

What are these agreements?

With Brazilian associations (Asbea, Sinduscon, Sinaenco, CBCS, CBIC or Ficons), have been agreed promotional activities, contact and wheels of business, among other actions. In Morocco, we have reached agreements of collaboration with the collective of architects and developers to attend Construmat as preferential visitors. With the collective of distribution of European countries, we have reached an agreement to create the day of the Distributor that aims to facilitate direct commercial contact between supply and demand. And in Peru, Mexico, Argentina and Chile, we have closed inverse missions with collective of architects and developers.

Although, as organizers of the show, have already said that now is not the time to negotiate with the North of Africa, by the current political conflicts, they have it very clear that there is a reef...

The proximity and the enormous potential of growth in these countries make them a good opportunity of business for our companies. At the moment, the political instability of the area advised to act very cautiously, but when it stabilizes, will again offer bright prospects. Prior to the outbreak of the conflict, we have carried out specific action plans with professional groups of Morocco, which are of interest to the sector.

You say that having a similar climate, makes that Spanish companies are more likely in South America or Africa than in China, India and even Northern Europe...

It is clear that the way of building is very different in the countries of the North than in our immediate environment, both by conditioning environmental and for cultural issues. However, the sector has demonstrated its capacity to cross borders and even get to the countries of Eastern Europe.

Installers of parquet in Construmat 2009 competition. Photo: Barcelona Fira/Construmat
Installers of parquet in Construmat 2009 competition. Photo: Barcelona Fira/Construmat.

Are the possibilities in the private sector or the public?

It depends on the circumstances of each country. For example, in Spain, the public works sector remains necessary for socio-economic development. And that doesn't happen perhaps in Germany, for example. But yes, perhaps, in Portugal or Poland.

What European countries are the most interesting and why?

On the side of the distribution, we have made special emphasis on Italy, France and Portugal, that its professionals find it cheaper, including logistical costs, buy at Spain. With regard to the recruitment of exhibitors, we have acted in Germany, action which is explained by the weight of its industry. We have also jumped on continent and we went to attract buyers of high profile in the United Arab Emirates and Israel.

Rehabilitation, sustainability, innovation

Rehabilitation seems not only the touchstone of the sector of the construction, but in many sectors. What concrete this axis and Construmat bet?

Reforms and modernization of housing and projects for the rehabilitation of neighborhoods and cities should be players in the sector in the coming years, as was evident at the first Congress of rehabilitation and sustainability who, born under the auspices of Construmat held last summer in Barcelona. With the objective of promoting rehabilitation within the framework of the Hall, three actions has been designed: the Agora, which will be hosting a series of conferences; the laboratory, where companies will display their products and the route, which will give visibility to all exhibitors of rehabilitation through a signposted route.

Of me practical examples of sustainability in construction, the term, widely used, is beginning to be empty...

Currently, all building that already meets criteria of energy efficiency could be considered sustainable. Projects of Felipe Pich-Aguilera, among other architects of the first line, are examples of sustainability. In Barcelona, District 22 @ is an area in which there are many buildings with innovative and sustainable solutions.

"If rehabilitation is configured as an alternative to weight, this is one of the sectors that benefit can be seen"

The living room: space, facilities...

This time have been concentrated activity in less pavilions. Is how to maintain the quality and optimism when it is so clear that the sector in a position of clear survival?

Our optimism is based on wanting to attract that everything that happens inside the Spanish construction market can be seen here. For this reason, we have reached agreements with generators of projects at the national level, we have opened the doors to the internationalization and we are bringing together professionals do, with one voice, they feel their demands to authorities to help such an important sector in the generation of wealth and employment.

What economic facilities are giving to the world of business so you don't have an excuse to attend an a very expensive as Barcelona City Hall?

But who says that Barcelona is expensive? Barcelona is a city with a lot to offer and does so at reasonable prices. However, we have reached agreements with the major transport operators (Iberia, Spanair and Renfe) to offer significant discounts to those who want to visit the lounge. We have also established partnerships with hotel associations to facilitate a 'pack' of 199 euros which includes travel of return more night hotel for any visitor from any Spanish city. We have designed a range of package for exhibitors at a price sealed

Windows and doors, wood...

How to boost activity in the sector of enclosures that, logically, and as they say from Asefave - Spanish Association of manufacturers of light facades and Windows-will be the last to recover from the crisis, which are the last to speak in the work?

It is true that, until now, the sector has been linked very directly with the new building. But if rehabilitation is configured as an alternative to weight, we believe that it is one of the sectors that benefit can be seen. The implementation of the various 'Plan Renove' is in that direction. Also think that it is a very versatile and sector with a great capacity for adaptation measures that implement the different public administrations for the revival of consumption.

"In Spain basically working with wood in foundations or slabs"
The sector of enclosures is in Hall 3 of the Gran Via venue. Photo: Construmat 2009/Fira of Barcelona
The sector of enclosures is in Hall 3 of the Gran Via venue. Photo: Construmat 2009/Fira of Barcelona.

What role does the wood in Construmat?

On the occasion of the international year of forests, we have entered into contact with PEFC Spain, Association awarded the label which guarantees the sustainable management of the 1.288.000 hectares of forests certified by the Association, to participate in Construmat.

We study again to organize the day of timber for what we are in talks with the Confederation Española of entrepreneurs of the wood (Confemadera), promoters of the project 'Build with wood'. In addition, under the auspices of the Spanish Federation of the pavement of wood (FEPM) and the Catalan Association of industrialists of the parquet (Acip), we welcome the second edition of the national competition of parquet flooring installers, which takes place the first day of the show. These two entities have been organized, in addition, an area of demonstrations and other exhibition to disseminate the advantages of this type of pavement.

In European countries, the recovery of the use of wood has an important role in sustainable construction. It will come to happen this in Spain?

It is difficult to foresee the future and more in a situation like the present, but it is true that it seems to have a significant potential for growth. Anyway, it has yet to produce a major trend change in the final consumer. However, the use of wood in other phases of the construction process is more widespread as, for example, floors or roofs.

What future applications does the wood in the Spanish construction?

The project 'Build with wood' is an outreach tool, developed by employers in the sector, which gets highlighted the need for further development of the applications of the wood in accordance with Spanish legislation. At the moment, working with wood, basically, in the initial work of the construction process, such as foundations or slabs.

Public works

Without the support of the Administration and the promotion of public works, can the construction sector succeed?

Undoubtedly the weight that has the construction sector in any economy. In Spain, a unique time in which the sector has been a spectacular growth, he has lived to become the main engine of the economy. That has now passed. Now, we are witnessing a process of adaptation of the sector to the current socio-economic reality. We believe that the companies with more muscle, on the other hand, they need financing and to be open to the internationalization will be.

"The State must return to open the tap of funding"

From Construmat are articulating a common enterprise clamor against the lack of government action. Can we talk about this?

As a great platform for Spanish construction that is, Construmat is trying to key actors unify their criteria and join in a single voice for the interests of a sector which cannot be abandoned to their fate.

What kind of actions, realistically, could the State and autonomous communities promote to get out of the lethargy that is public works the crisis?

It is evident that investment in public works should not be a very sharp slowdown as our country still needs of infrastructure necessary for our socio-economic development. We believe that you should think broadly and invest in the long term. And another key is to open the tap of the funding in order for cash in circulation so that the companies back to work again.

Bricklaying competition in 2009. Photo: Barcelona Fira/Construmat
Bricklaying competition in 2009. Photo: Barcelona Fira/Construmat.

Do and when to run the show what?

We want to promote our website as a permanent space for the presentation of novelties of our exhibitors and want to link the Construmat brand to everything related to the sector as, for example, we have already done with the first Congress of rehabilitation and sustainability of the month of June.

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