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Schréder-Socelec Has supplied miscellaneous of his products in the place of Sabadell (Barcelona)

Solutions of lighting that contribute emotion, hygiene, welfare and sustainability

Editorial Interempresas25/04/2014

Schréder-Socelec is a partner that contributes global solutions and facilitates the integration of the cities in a concept of Smart City thanks to his wide experience in lighting of diverse surroundings. His aim always is "to offer intelligent and responsible solutions with value added for the specific requirements of the customers".

Sabadell an innovative city that faces always new projects, and now has turned into the city with more points of LED installed in the public space, in a pioneering model in Spain and in Europe, has bet by a model of lighted up managed through a company of Energetic Services (THAT) improving technologically the lighted up of the city.

Sabadell has turned into the city with more points of LED installed in the public space
Sabadell has turned into the city with more points of LED installed in the public space.

Of this way Sabadell turns into the first city of more than 200.000 inhabitants of all Spain that bets by this model of management and by the collaboration of the City council with the Catalan Institute of Power and the Deputation of Barcelona, being an example of cooperation between public servicys.

The total investment reaches 6,5 million euros, and runs to charge of the company of energetic services adjudicator, UTE THIS Sabadell, being supplying of the technology Schréder-Socelec that already has experience in working through THIS (Company of Energetic Services) for the renewal and management of the lighted up external. Schréder-Socelec Is today a reference in the projects of public lighting in all Spain, having realizar the first project of integral renewal of public lighting with technology LED in Spain, in Soto of the Real (Madrid).

In squares and streets was chosen the luminaria Kio

In squares and streets was chosen the luminaria Kio.

Objective of the change

  • Save of 1 million €/year of average.
  • Energetic saving of 30% (4,6 million kW/h, equivalent to turn off 5.342 luminarias of 100 W lit all the year).
  • Reduction of 847 tonnes of CO2 (what equivale to take out of circulation 545 tourisms in a year or 108 trucks).
  • Realizar photometric studies of all the sections of the place to guarantee the resulted chord to the REEAE, incorporating new technologies to the management to win in energetic efficiency (LED).

Schréder-Socelec Found in a project with around 30.000 lights with excess of power and technology of obsolete luminous source, with electrical pictures, wiring and ancient lights, and did necessary a change to improve the quality of the lighted up, providing level chords to the Reeae and achieving energetic savings, in addition to adapting installations to rebt.

Schreder –Socelec Is a partner ideal as it offers complete solutions, what facilitates to the city confront to the challenge to improve daily the life of the people in terms of hygiene and welfare and of the most sustainable way. Solutions adapted to his specific needs to incorporate lighting, systems of intelligent control, urban equipment, hygiene, signaling and many another provision.

According to Joan Carles Sánchez, mayor of Sabadell, the criteria of fundamental lighting of this project that had to fulfil was to mark an aim of reduction of the energetic consumption (and therefore of saving in the electrical bill). All this had to allow a saving of 600.000 euros of annual average.

The advantages of the luminarias LED with regard to the conventional regarding the maintenance and his life estimates between 3 and 5 upper times to the one of other systems and therefore, does not need a maintenance with so much frequency as with the others types of luminaria, saving resources and costs.

In the tunnels have chosen luminarias Neos LED
In the tunnels have chosen luminarias Neos LED.

The antecedents with which explained were around 30.000 lights with excess of power and technology of obsolete luminous source, electrical pictures, wiring and ancient lights, etc.

The luminarias that more have implanted in this project has been the range Teceo that offers to the municipalities and cities the ideal tool to improve the levels of lighting, generate saving of power and reduce the ecological impact.

The globalidad of solutions offered and adaptation to each need made possible to work in surroundings so special like the space of the tunnel, where the luminarias Neos LED available in three sizes (Neos 1 with 16 or 24 LED, Neos 2 with 32 or 48 LED and Neos 3 with 64 LED), guarantee the most demanding criteria of hygiene and excellent performance.

In squares and streets was chosen the luminaria Kio. The pure lines and flowed of this luminaria LED adapt to different urban landscapes, like parks, squares, gardens and residential zones offering the requirements of photometric efficiency and comfort required.

Schréder-Socelec Has turned into a partner ideal with each one of his solutions contributes a value added significant in all the surroundings:

  • Environingingments: Zones peatonales and of leisure, like parks and squares.
  • Lighted up Urbano: Solutions of lighting for streets, roads and urban surroundings.
  • Tunnels: Multiple solutions for tunnels and other enclosed surroundings.
  • Projection: architectural Surroundings, accentuation of monuments and faã§ades.
  • Sportive lighting: sportive Enclosures interiors or external, like a tennis cutting or a track of ski.
  • Areas of traffic: Point where the people expects, goes in or goes out of a half of transport, like a bus stop or an airport.
  • Industrial: industrial Zones like warehouses or mines.
  • Campus: Lighting of multipurpose zones, like a hospital or a shopping centre.

Related Companies or Entities

Schréder Socelec, S.A.

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