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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Asamblea general AFE 2014

General assembly AFE 2014


6 February 2014

The past Wednesday 22 January (Centre of conventions North) took place in Ifema the General Assembly of AFE (Association of Spanish Fairs). The General Assembly gave beginning in second announcement to the 10 of the morning. In the Presidential Table found José Antonio Vicente, president of the AFE, to the that accompanied him María José Uceda, general secretary, and Xabier Basáñez, first vice-president and treasurer. A total of 16 companies associated and 18 people assistants were witnesses in the order of the day.

The President inaugurated the Assembly with the reading and the approval of the Record of the previous meeting. Following with the established order, detailed all the management that from the Presidency and Office of AFE have come realizar:

  • Meeting with the Ministry of Trade and Competitiveness for granting of the Internacionalidad of the fairs.
  • Management of catchment of new associated
  • Meeting APCE- AFE
  • Congress AFE 2013
  • relative Meetings to the “Forum of Associations of the Spanish Industry of Meetings and Events”: OMT – presentation in Córdoba. Presentation In Santander
  • Participation of AFE in the Jury of the Prizes EMPORIA (companies providers sector ferial)
  • Statement of AFE like exporting association

To continuation, the first vice-president and treasurer of AFE, Xabier Basáñez, did the corresponding summary to the countable closing of the past exercise and presented the budget of 2014. In both exercises justified and commented each one of the budgetary games. After the approval of the Budget 2014, a short space for ruegos and questions was the preamble to initiate the vote of the new President. After the election of Jose Antonio Vicente like new president of AFE, this proceeded to remember the configuration of the current Managerial Board of the Association, in which no descartó add some members but.

Of left to right...
Of left to right: Xabier Basañez, first vice-president and treasurer of AFE, Jose Antonio Vicente, president of AFE, and Alvaro Muñiz, general director fair of Asturias and vowel in the Managerial Board of AFE.

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