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75 fairs, 8 big congresses and 500 events will mark the agitated diary of Ifema 2014

Ifema Will concentrate in Madrid 2,8 million visitors in 2014

Ruth Roig Rocher15/01/2014

The past 10 January, Ifema celebrated a presses conference in his installations for desvelar to the media that along the recently premièred year, the Institution Ferial of Madrid will summon 75 fairs and international congresses, more than 500 events of different nature, that will generate an economic impact in the Community of Madrid of 2.000 million euros. In the field congresual, 2014 will see reinforced with the celebration of eight big international congresses, that movilizarán to more than 50.000 professionals and will generate an upper occupation to the 150.000 squares hoteleras for the city. Ifema Will allocate a game of more than 3 million euros to favour the external trade of the companies expositoras.

Of left to right...

Of left to right: Fermín Lucas, general director of Ifema; Luis Eduardo Cortés, executive president of Ifema, and Raúl Díez, director of Communication and Marketing.

Ifema inagura His calendar of activity of 2014 with the announcement of one of the first world-wide fairs of the tourist industry, Fitur, to which they will follow along the year a total of 74 fairs and congresses, in addition to more than 500 business events, that will gather in Madrid to more than 32.000 companies of very diverse economic sectors and to 2,8 million visitors. This program of activity will represent a turning point in the dynamic ferial of Madrid, estimating a growth from among a 10 and a 15 percent in the different parameters, like companies participants or busy square metres and that it will be more accused in the number of visitors until surpassing in 20% the figure of assistants of 2013.

This jump of activity will come to reinforce the economic impact that the tourism of businesses generated in Ifema contributes to Madrid, whose quantification will reach around the 2 billion of euros. In this sense, is important to signal that a year more Ifema consolidates like the institution that has more fairs cataloged with international rank by the Office of State of External Trade, a total of 31, what represents more than 35% of the total of which celebrate in Spain, almost 10 points by in front of the following, Barcelona.

Likewise, in this context, is notable to signal that in this aim of internationalisation of the activity of Ifema and with the object to favour the important impulse of the export of the Spanish companies, Ifema will allocate in 2014 an upper game to the 3 million euros for campaigns of foreign buyers and external promotion. To this measure adds the effort that comes realizar the entity to facilitate the presence of the companies in the fairs, through the economic improvement in the conditions of participation, that have seen along the last four years, favoured by adjust in prices and prices of services of until 20%. This has been possible thanks to the high financial capacity with that explains Ifema, entity with "zero debt and a balance very saneado, although it is the only entity ferial that does not receive subventions neither public funds of Spain", signal from Ifema.

The three speakers during the exhibition of Luís Eduardo Cortés

The three speakers during the exhibition of Luís Eduardo Cortés.

The celebrated presses conference in the installations of Ifema ran to charge of Fermín Lucas, general director of Ifema; Luis Eduardo Cortés, executive president of Ifema; and Raúl Díez, director of Communication and Marketing.

Luís Eduardo Cortés was the first in taking part leaving clear his paramount intention: “we Go to give more importance to the congresses because they bring presence of people very qualified with a half purchasing power-high, what repercute positively in the Spanish economy at the same time that sell image to international level”. Of equal way left clear that “to Ifema does not affect him the no arrived of Eurovegas to Madrid”. This year the sector of the medicine will be the protagonist in almost 80% of the congresses summoned in Ifema.

By his part, Fermín Lucas exposed that “the Congresses of Internationalisation of the Aerial Traffic, Hypertension, Customs, Management and Care of Injured, Psiquiatría, Oncology, etc. will be the most important and will contribute to Madrid near of 50.000 people”. I do not doubt in affirming that “the activity ferial and congresual dinamizan Madrid”.

And Raúl Diez it declared: “In 2013 had 500 activities and this year 2014 preveen 574, by what the grown is considerable”, desvelando besides that “the Living room of the Car is the fair that more visitors attracts”.

Ifema Consolidates his international prestige in the sector congresual

The exercise 2014 will earn special importance also in the activity of Congresses and Conventions of Ifema, whose increasing international weight has carried him to contribute decididamente in the positioning of Madrid in fourth place of the ranking world-wide Icca of cities congresuales. In total will celebrate in the installations of Fairs of Madrid eight big world-wide congresses and Europeans, five of them of the scientific field doctor, that joined to other two important national congresses of this sector, situate to Ifema like one of the entities leaders to world-wide level in events of medical speciality.

The data that gave were positive at the same time that hopeful

The data that gave were positive at the same time that hopeful.

The announcement of these congresses will attract to Madrid around 50.000 professionals of all the world (85% foreigners) what in terms of occupation hotelera of the city will represent a measure of 150.000 squares.

The planned appointments for the 2014 will be: ATM World Conference, World-wide Congress of Aerial Traffic, that will celebrate in March; AEO, World-wide Congress of Customs, in April; EWMA, 24th Congress of the European Association for the Management and the Care of Wounds, in May; EAS, Congress of the European Society of Artereoesclerosis, in June; ESMO, Congress of the European Society of the Medicine Oncológica, in September; HUPO, Congress of the Organisation of the Preoteoma Human, in October; Ibstt no Dig, International Conference of Promotion of the Technology without Resolve, in October, and the national: Seh-Lehla, Congress of the Spanish Society of Hypertension and League against the Hypertension, in March and Secpal, Congress of the Spanish Society of Palliative Citizens, foreseen for the month of November.

The increasing capacity of Ifema for the management of infrastructures and services of big congresses, has carried him to confirm from the 2015 the attraction to Madrid of other 10 international congresses, for which has been chosen headquarters, that movilizará the arrival to Madrid of more than 65.000 professional visitors. Congresses some of them of new incorporation, that come to add to big world-wide appointments that have chosen to Ifema in the previous exercise in front of other big competitors, as for example the Cphi Worldwide, of the pharmaceutical industry and the technological, SAP Teched and Microsoft Teched Europe, among others of special envergadura.

New bet for the Living room of the Car of Madrid

In 2014 Ifema will launch his new project for the Living room of the Car of Madrid. It will be a firm bet by a sector of special weight in the wallet of fairs of Ifema and in a moment key in which Madrid is reinforcing like objective market of this industry, such as it has showed it the double announcement of the Living room of the Vehicle of Occasion, that in 2013 has celebrated his edition of autumn, with excellent results of sales, or the incorporation to the calendar of Ifema of a living room, Professional Forum of Fleets of Madrid, that has come to close the circle of sectors represented in the offer of automotive sector of Ifema.

When finalising the presses conference happened to the turn of questions,

When finalising the presses conference happened to the turn of questions,.

Like this of 22 May to 1 June, will take place the Living room of the Car of Madrid, that launches with a new stamp, essentially commercial and oriented to serve of crowbar of dinamización of the sales, what comes to coincide with the aims of the sector that is coming to reactivate the market of new vehicles in the last months.

This offer of the sector of automotive sector complements in the years impares with the International Living room of Equipment and Components of Automotive sector, Motortec Automechanika, that has an agreement of collaboration with the main world-wide fair of the sector organised by Messe Frankfurt, as well as by FIAA, International Fair of the Bus and of the Coach, one of the main world-wide living rooms of the sector, and Trafic, International Living room of the hygiene Víal and Equipment for Roads.

Concentration of the sectors goods of consumption, construction, education and environingingment

The exercise 2014 will be marked also by the consolidation of the strategy of concentration ferial of Ifema, initiated in 2013 with the unification of distinct convergent sectors in big announcements. This tendency was initiated with the fashionable sectors, Footwear and Complementos, with the launching of the mark Momad Metropoles, a big announcement, that has come to evolve the concept ferial very dumped in the aim of catchment of international buyers, in the profitability of his assistance, in the synergy of sectors and professional interests and in the adaptation to the tendencies globalizadoras of the market.

The lecturers posed beside the image of Ifema

The lecturers posed beside the image of Ifema.

In 2014, this tendency steps more looking for the coincidence of Momad Metropoles, that will develop of the 14 to 16 February, with the runway Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Madrid, of the 14 to 18 February, what will allow to gather by some days in stages very next to the main agents of the sector of the fashion of our country, industrial and designers and at the same time, expand the offer to the professional buyer. A strategy that in September of 2014 will complete of permanent form with the convergence of Momad Metropolis, the most complete commercial shop window of Textile, Footwear and Complementos of the Iberian Peninsula, with Giftrends Madrid, International Week of the Gift, Decoration, Jewellery and Jewelery, where are represented the fashionable sectors, complementos, jewelery, jewellery and decoration in general. This will allow to offer to the national professional buyer and international the greater fashionable announcement and goods of consumption and the panoramic elder in Spain of the tendencies of the moment.

In the month of February, also the educational sector reagrupa in the Week of the Education, turning into the greater announcement of the national sector of the sector: Classroom and the Special Area of Professional Learning, the Living room of the Education of third cycle, Forum of Postgrado and the Sector of Resources for the Education of Interdidac, as well as the International Congress of Educational Marketing: Eduketing.

Also the sector of the construction and the rehabilitation have experimientado this same concentration, aunando the announcements of SCS (International Living room of Solutions for the Sustainable Construction) and Veteco (International Living room of the Window and Closing Glazed) under a same umbrella oriented to the efficiency, designated International Week of the Construction and Efficient Rehabilitation (7-10 May) that will coincide with the International Fair of the Power and Environingingment, Generates (6-8 May), to offer to the professional a global vision and an offer unified that it help to generate business.

On the same line, in the month of June, presents like novelty another concentration of fairs, in this occasion under the denominator Forum of Sustainable Environingingmental Solutions, that of the 11 to 13 June will agglutinate the Fairs Tecma, International Fair of the Urbanismo and Environingingment, SRR, Fair of the Recovery and the Recycled and Esclean, a new fair devoted to the professional of the cleaning and hygiene.

It consolidates the internationalisation with new projects and markets

If in 2013 one of the important milestones of Ifema was the internationalisation of some of his more emblematic fairs with his immersion in markets like China and Chile, in 2014 this aim has done more ambitious evolving to new sectors, new developments of fairs and new markets. To this adds the fact that this year Ifema consolidates like an international referent in the field of the knowledge ferial, positioning like consultor of the main developing countries.

Like this, during this exercise, the internationalisation of Ifema sees reinforced with the celebration of the second edition of two emblematic fairs, Matelec China, in Shanghai, (25-27 March) and Sicur Latin America, in Santiago of Chile (15-17 October) and with the global project of Matelec Worldwide, that in 2015 will extend to Asia, Europe and Latin America.

Besides along the year, adds in his external bet, the development of three new projects feriales in collaboration with local operators, one in France, linked to the real-estate sector; another in Chile, to the world of the franchise, and a third in Italy, related with the sector of automotive sector, in concrete to the market of occasion, in which Ifema will contribute his 'know-how' and the models of fairs of tested success that look for his internationalisation.

To this adds the work that is carrying out for the opening of his activity in another country of Latin America, Peru, where is in project the organisation of fairs of mark Ifema and of key sectors with potential of development in Latin market, in addition to the collaboration with the National Centre of Exhibitions of Abu Dhabi, Adnec, one of the first operators feriales of Arab Emirates, for the conjoint development of future projects feriales.

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