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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at 3M mejora la seguridad vial con una fuerte dosis de innovación
The company follows adding to his new and original catalogue solutions

3M improvement the hygiene vial with a strong dose of innovation

David Muñoz17/12/2013

As it announced recently the minister of the Interior, Jorge Fernández Díaz, the descent that have come experiencing the accidents of traffic in Spain during the last years has carried them to levels already similar to the ones of 1960, and this in spite of the strong cuts that are producing in the maintenance of the roads. To a greater social awareness and to a hardening of the penalties by infringements, also is necessary to add, to understand this tendency, the progresses that come attaining in matter of hygiene vial, with products increasingly advanced. In this sense, 3M is a clear example of bet by the innovation, as it went back to remain evident with the new products that presented in the fair Trafic 2013.

In spite of the difficult situation of market to which had to confront the last edition of the fair Trafic, celebrated in Madrid of the 15 to 18 October, from 3M does a satisfactory balance of his participation in this contest: “it Has been an atypical fair. Very few display units and an empty half living room did vaticinar a rotundo failure. However the influx of visitors (no excessive but acceptable), joined to the little number of display units (with big absences of marks recognised in the sector), did that our stand was every day very concurrido of visitors and customers with which could share all our solutions for hygiene vial”, signals to Interempresas Enrique López-Fando, director of Marketing of the Department of Systems of hygiene Vial in 3M Spain.

Stand Of 3M in Trafic 2013. Photo: Ifema

Stand Of 3M in Trafic 2013. Photo: Ifema.

Obviously the budgetary cuts of the different public servicys and the difficulties to find financials for private projects, do that the sector of the hygiene vial also see seriously affected by the economic crisis that suffers our country. “It is something that is not necessary that proclaim it the companies of the sector neither his associations. The road is used by 100% of the Spaniards and his gradual deterioration is something evident for all, adopting solutions so of low cost by the fault of budget, that evidencian even more the bad situation by which cross. In any case, I trust that the situation begin to improve”, adds Enrique López-Fando.

To face up to the few projects that go going out and can attend also with the maximum guarantees this expected recovery of the market, 3M follows launching new and advanced products, as it remained clear in this last edition of Trafic, where could see , between other novelties, solutions for the identification and classification of vehicles (readers of plates of matrícula, fixed and mobile, systems of radiofrecuencia and software for the correct classification of until 22 different classes of vehicles) and new material retrorreflectantes for vehicle with canvases (signal V-23) and of high provision that, in the case of vehicles of conservation (signal V-2), are retirables without leaving trace of adhesive in the bodywork when the vehicle goes to leave to realizar this type of service.

Plates and films for permanent signaling

In matter of plates and films for permanent signaling, one of the main lines of product of 3M, would have to use increasingly material of high provision, of class RA2 or upper. In this sense, “3M bet strongly by the technology microprismática, fundamentally by two reasons: by his inigualables provision and for being a sustainable technology because of the big reductions of broadcasts of Organic Sequipment, consumption of power and of waste that achieves in his manufacture, compared with other technologies”.

Besides, the one who these solutions have already the obligation to have the Marked CE goes to allow, what less, that all the manufacturers fulfil some basic requirements that ensure the suitable provision of the signals and that this do of consistent form.

Products for zones of work

Another of the seven big lines of product that compose the catalogue of hygiene Vial of 3M is the conformed by products for zones of work, which follow suffering from of a good signaling. “The signaling of works is another pending subject –signals Enrique López-Fando-, but I would say that the first step to give would be the concienciar on that it is precisely in these atypical situations, as it is a zone of works, in which a perfect signaling during all the time that last this situation, is fundamental to minimise the risks, so much for the user as for the present workers in the zone of works”.

3M has, among others products, of stravel of paving for marks viales of high provision, visible even in conditions of rain, and plates retrorreflectantes with fluorescent colours to increase the visibility of the signal so much of day as of night.

New Centre of Innovation of 3M for Spain and Portugal
New Centre of Innovation of 3M for Spain and Portugal.

Labeling of pavings

3M also follows innovando in another of his big lines of work, the labeling of the pavings, launching new products as for example, elements microcerámicos with indexes of refraction very high, that allow that the mark vial was visible in conditions of rain. “His incorporation to stravel for permanent signaling and storm has been one of the last big novelties, but the most recent are the stravel with adhesive extrafuerte that allow the draftsmanship (permanent or temporary) of the road without the previous use of an imprimación”, signals the director of Marketing of Systems of hygiene Vial of 3M Spain, the one who besides announces for the 2014 new launchings in this area.

As also there will be next novelties in the field of the plates of matrícula, especially to the hour to improve his register by means of artificial vision. “The department of development of 3M is working in this type of projects, that allow to detect and identify the plates of matrícula with a near reliability to 100%. They are developments still in execution”, adds Enrique López-Fando.

A bet by the innovation

All these and other a lot of novelties put of self-evident the clear innovative vocation of 3M, something that also plasma in the recent inauguration in Madrid of the new Centre of Innovation for Spain and Portugal, some installations of 3.000 m2 that have supposed an investment of more than 6 million euros and in which the company has a space of work colaborativo in which develop new solutions for the needs of the distinct markets where operates, included the one of the hygiene Vial. “One of the rooms of the new building that all the visits stand out is the room of demonstrations of products of hygiene vial, a very wide space devoted to teach to customers and administrations the profits of the solutions 3M”, concludes Enrique López-Fando.

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