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45% of the visitors proceeded of the foreigner

The International Living room of the Swimming pool Barcelona consolidates like a world-wide referent of the sector

Editorial Interempresas04/11/2013

The Living room Swimming pool Barcelona has reaffirmed in his eleventh edition like one of the most notable to world-wide level of the fields of residential swimming pool, wellness and aquatic installations, no only by the high quality of signatures expositoras and buyers international, but for being the commercial platform that the companies leaders choose to present his novelties. With the celebration of the Wellness & Spa Experiences Event, the first meeting devoted to the world of the welfare, and of the Waterparks Symposium, the living room has given special impulse to these segments of the industry reflecting his increasing potential.

Of the 15 to 18 October, the International Living room of the Swimming pool has converted Barcelona in the world-wide capital of the water, concentrating in the enclosure of Big Via the impresas more important of the sector, 62% international. The contest has gathered to display units of 26 countries and has received more than 17.000 visitors. The living room likewise strengthens his international character: 45% of the professionals that have attended to Barcelona are foreign, pertinent of a hundred of countries like France, Italy, UK, Sweden, Israel, Turkey, Germany, Argentina, U.S. and Brazil, Russia, Ukraine, Morocco and Arab Emirates among others.

Living room Swimming pool Barcelona 2013
Living room Swimming pool Barcelona 2013.

The president of Swimming pool Barcelona, Eloi Plans, comments the good results of this announcement: “The industry of the swimming pool and of the wellness keeps solid and dynamic in spite of the crisis, centring especially in the renewal and maintenance in mature markets as ours, and in the construction and equipment of new installations in regions with emergent economies. Thanks to our experience and effort in innovation are in conditions to provide technological solutions of last generation to take part of effective form and ensuring the efficient use of the resources and the total respect to the environingingment. By all this ours industry enjoys of credibility and prestige abroad, as it shows it the figure of display units and international visitors that, a year more, have supposed more than the half of the total. Besides, it adds Plans, has increased considerably the number of visitors of countries like Argentina, Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Russia or Algeria. This is a big success and our big active like living room and like sector”.

Wellness And water parks, leading of the days

Swimming pool Barcelona has been also the frame of the first edition of the Wellness & Spa Experiences Event, the meeting devoted to the world of the welfare that has gathered in Barcelona more than 15 international experts that have showed to the assistants which are the essential elements of a centre wellness that aspire to conjugar the offer of a product of quality with the profitability of a business of success. Between the experts, the president of Aspen Resorts International Raoul Andrews Sudre considers that “the Wellness & Spa Experiences Event has not been a traditional forum but an open space to the debate, so necessary in a field like the welfare, that gathers opinions, tendencies and cultures very diverse. Spain has all the potential to turn into a destination of welfare of first level, no only by the quality of his installations devoted to the tourism and to the wellness but by his culture, climate and gastronomy”.

The living room has received likewise the first symposium on water parks that has had the presence of international experts of the sector. Rick Root, president of the association World Waterpark Association (WWA), co-organiser and speaker of the symposium, signals that this world-wide association looked for the best location for his program in the south of Europe and that “by his long path and for being platform of reference of professionals of the aquatic sector, chose Swimming pool Barcelona that has showed to be the most ideal place to receive an event of this envergadura and world-wide resonance”.

Display units And buyers, satisfied

“BASF Construction Chemicals Spain has received a lot of so much national professionals like foreigners during the four days of length of the living room. Already we have concerted some visits of works and trust that the majority of the contacts are fruitful. In these difficult years for the market is complicated to assist to professional living rooms, but remains showed that these actions can help to go out of the crisis”, affirms the manager of communication of BASF Construction Chemicals Spain, SL and of the Association @mb, Miquel Fité. By his part, Stefano Panitti, commercial director of the company Deco-Mole declares that his participation in this announcement of the living room “has been very positive because it has allowed us contact with numerous potential customers of first level. 40% of the contacts has carried out with companies of other countries, important data for us that have special interest in giving us to know abroad”.

Living room Swimming pool Barcelona 2013
Living room Swimming pool Barcelona 2013.

The buyers present in the meetings B2B with companies expositoras organised by the living room also have showed satisfied. “It is the second time that come to this fair. In Brazil the people perceives that the Spanish market is very big, and Swimming pool Barcelona is one of the most important events of the sector in the world”, affirms Amauri Rosa, of the company Cipavinil of Cipatex (Brazil). By his side, Roman Kubalczak, architect of DDK, study of architecture and design of inner (Poland) affirms: “Swimming pool Barcelona seems me a very good fair and very interesting to go in in contact with new technologies”.

“The contest has allowed, a year more, take very closely the pulse to the sector”, ensures Isabel Piñol, director of Swimming pool Barcelona. For Piñol “a so successful announcement in the current economic context shows the vitality of the sector and his constant effort by the innovation and the dinamización economic. As far as they have transmitted us display units and visitors, the living room has answered of satisfactory form to his demands. From the organisation, want to recognise his work and appreciate his participation to all”.

The International Living room of the Swimming pool BCN will celebrate his 12ª edition in October of 2015, in Fira of Barcelona.

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