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Madrid receives the 3DExperience Customer Forum

3DExperience, the ally of the companies to simplify processes and contribute value to the customer

David Muñoz14/06/2013
The 3DExperience Customer Forum organised by Dassault Systèmes, specialist in software of design 3D, maqueta digital and solutions PLM, did scale the past 12 June in Madrid, in turns it that it is realising by all the world during this 2013. The evento, that was centred in how the platform 3DExperience can simplify the processes and contribute value to the companies, had numerous conferences and with speakers stood out like Olivier Leteurtre, general director of Dassault Systèmes for Western Europe.

Dassault Systèmes Supplies to the customers experiences holísticas in 3D that combine competitions of social innovation, virtual experiences in 3D and technologies of intelligent research. His solutions transform the form in that they design , produce and keep the products. Of this form, his platform 3DExperience connects to designers, engineers, professional of marketing and final consumers in a new concept of social company.

General sight of the session plenaria of the 3DExperience Customer Forum
General sight of the session plenaria of the 3DExperience Customer Forum.

The success of the solutions developed by Dassault Systèmes comes endorsed by the big growth that is experiencing the company along the last years, that was resumido with these data by Olivier Leteurtre, general director of Dassault Systèmes for Western Europe: more than 20.000 new customers during the 2012 (elevating of this form his wallet to more than 150.000 customers); near of 10 million users; and a upper income to the 2.600 million euros, with a special growth in the last times in the Asian continent.

The innovative vocation of Dassault Systèmes has been recognised besides by numerous institutions and organisms, occupying today, for example, the place 40 in the 'Top 100' of the most innovative companies elaborated by the magazine Forbes.

As it signalled Olivier Leteurtre, Dassault Systèmes wants to contribute, contributing his solutions 3DExperience, in the research of the harmony between products, nature and life. For this assumes the new challenges to which will have to confront the society in the next years (increase of the energetic demand because of the increase of the population and of the industrial production, concentration of good part of this population in the cities, etc.) contributing virtual universes that allow to imagine "sustainable innovations".

Olivier Leteurtre, general director of Dassault Systèmes
Olivier Leteurtre, general director of Dassault Systèmes.

One of the appearances in which more upsetting did Olivier Leteurtre in the 3DExperience Customer Forum was in the need that the innovative activity of any company does not have to limit to his investigations of doors for inside, but it has to have a communication, a continuous interaction, with the customers, to be able to develop solutions adjusted to his true needs. In this sense, as it confirms from Dassault Systèmes, the social networks will play an increasingly stood out paper. “It treats to put to the consumer in the heart of the innovation”, resumía Olivier Leteurtre, the one who during his presentation also offered some examples of customers that have implemented successfully the solutions of this company, like Visteon or Jaguar/Land Rover.

The general director of Dassault Systèmes for Western Europe concluded his intervention with a message for the reflection: “the computers have all the answers… but do not know the questions”.

A case of success: Group Antolin

The session plenaria of the 3DExperience Customer Forum included a report titled ‘Re-evolution of the engineering', to charge of Joaquín Santaolalla, director of Corporate Engineering of the Group Antolin, the greater Spanish manufacturer of components of interior for the car, with more than 14.000 employees and a volume of sales in 2012 that arrived to the 2.672 million euros (growth of 8% during the past year).

His path began in the years 50 like manufacturer of rótulas of steering and suspension, attaining from the years 80 (with the internationalisation of the company) and of the 90 (with his clear bet by the innovation and by his specialisation in components of interior) his big despegue.

Today, his four main strategic units of business go through the segments of Ceiling, Seat, Door and, more recently, Lighting, being provider of the main world-wide manufacturers of trucks (his two greater customers are, to day of today, the Group Volkswagen and the Group Ford). His success in this sector is allowing him adentrarse besides in other industries like the rail or the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing.

The changes entered during the last years in his organisation chart of corporate engineering also have been determinantes for the growth of the Group. For example, creating a department of Methodology and Efficiency has attained to optimise all his processes, recessing “of spectacular form” the costs of innovation and improving the direct contact with the customers.

Also has been key in this reduction of costs the paper that comes giving in the Group Antolin to the simulation, of such form that this realises practically of simultaneous form to the design of the new projects, facilitating like this one of the big lemmas of the company: ‘Do it well to the first'.

Joaquín Santaolalla, director of Corporate Engineering of the Group Antolin
Joaquín Santaolalla, director of Corporate Engineering of the Group Antolin.

The growth of the Group Antolin has come accompanied by the expansion of the network of technical centres, explaining today with presence in four continents: Europe (Spain, France, Germany, Czech Republic, Poland…), Africa (Morocco and Tunisia), America (Mexico, EE UU and Brazil) and Asia (China, Korea, Japan and Indian). This structure divides in two typologies of technical centres: some open by vicinity to the customer and others for being attractor trucks in matter of costs. Besides, to operative level, these near centres to the customers see backed by the designated centres satellites LCC, with his corresponding technical equipment and a coordinator.

To be able to exchange all the information that generates and stores in this big network of technical centres, Group Antolin implanted five years ago a complete solution of gestión of the cycle of life of the products (PLM). Although at the beginning, as it recognised Joaquín Santaolalla, his assimilation by the workers was not exenta of some difficulties, the true is that over time the adaptation has been perfect, until turning into an indispensable element in the day in day out of the company.

The director of Corporate Engineering of Group Antolin resumió in five the steps that compose his cycle of engineering: in the first place the design, that shares this initial place with the virtual validation (are simultaneous processes, and in this validation, in addition to mechanical appearances, of durability, of hygiene…, also adds what designates ‘quality perceived' including concepts that can be important for the confort of the final customer as they are the noises and the vibrations). The third step of the cycle would be the one of the characterisation of the materials, endowing to these of the real values that will have in his final application. And like last steps find the validations of subsystems (prototyping) and the complete validations.

On this cycle of engineering, Joaquín Santaolalla wanted to resaltar some ideas to which Group Antolin gives big importance. For example, the need to anticipate to the needs of the customers, doing a work proactiva of proposals that can interest to the manufacturers of trucks. The key is to not to limit to offer what already asks us the customer. And another vital appearance is the one to contemplate the design of the products along all his useful life, including his maintenance.

The assistants to the 3DExperience Customer Forum of Madrid could assist besides to the different reports that realised in several rooms of the Hotel Meliá Avenue of America, structured of agreement to the industries to which went directed: transport and mobility, aerospace and defence, industrial equipments, and fashion and distribution.

Of this form could access to the best experts of the industry, know the cases of success of other customers and share punto on the market trends.

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