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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at El lunes 26 comienza el undécimo Congreso Nacional del Medio Ambiente

The Monday 26 begins the eleventh National Congress of the Environingingment


23 November 2012

Of the 26 to 30 November, will take place the eleventh National Congress of the Environingingment (Conama 2012), that will celebrate beside a Meeting Iberoamericano of Sustainable Development. This edition, that will be in the Fair of Madrid (Centre of Conventions North and Pavilion 10), includes near of 150 activities and is oriented of special form to answer to the economic challenge from the sustainability.

The economic emergency has done to forget other crises, like the climatic, the energetic, the one of the biodiversidad, the one of the resources… This meeting has been especially designed to give an answer to the economic challenge, from the sustainability. We have prepared a program with more economy that never, looking for concrete and realistic solutions in the environingingmental sector that can generate employment and business activity. But, at the same time, opening spaces for reflexionar of critical form on how have arrived to this situation and to generate also the networks and necessary alliances that allow to the civil society have more weight in the decisions and can influence to change the course to a more sustainable future.

One of the most important parts of this appointment in Madrid is the Meeting Iberoamericano on Sustainable Development, in which they will participate political representatives, companies and NGO of countries like Brazil, Chile, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia… After 16 years celebrating this type of meetings on sustainability in Santiago of Chile, Panama, Cartagena de Indias, Foz of Iguazú, Sao Paulo, every time are greater the connections to a side and another of the Atlantic. In this meeting there is a part devoted to the reflection and the debate, and another more commercial, centred in facilitating the opportunities of business in the environingingmental sector.

Another of the novelties of this meeting is the creation of a specific space devoted to emprendedores and professionals of the environingingmental sector, organised by the Foundation Conama and the School of Industrial Organisation (EOI). In this Space Green Jobs Conama-EOI, in addition to talks and debates, will offer free advice for emprendedores that want to orient his economic activity in the environingingmental sector by part of the experts of the school of businesses.

This new appointment with the sustainability includes near of 150 activities, distributed in nueve different areas: Power and climatic change, Economy, urban Challenges: mobility and edificación, Territory and rural development, Biodiversidad, Water, environingingmental Quality, Technology and innovation, and Society. All the information is available in

This meeting will realise in the Centre of Conventions North and in the Pavilion 10 of Fair of Madrid (Avenue of the Partenón, 5). In the Centre of Conventions will take place the sessions and reports (needs accreditation to access) and in the Pavilion 10, that is of free access, will be all the other: the stands, the exhibitions, the Space Green Jobs Conama-EOI, the Stock exchange of Green Ideas, the restaurants…

The first National Congress of the Environingingment celebrated in 1992, does just now 20 years. In all this time, has learnt a lot and advanced in a lot of questions. However, we consider that the current crisis is a proof more than that does fault a much bigger change. The economic situation does not do but constrain the need of reinventarnos. This congress is organised by the Foundation Conama, that is a non-profit entity devoted to the sustainable development, created for this end by the Official School of Physicists.

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