Representaciones Martín Mena, S.L. - Shelters


Roofs take refuge for bus stops: it provides shelter of the sun and the rain

Picture of Roofs take refuge for bus stops
The roof Eclipse is manufactured in Durapol (a very resistant polymer).

It provides shelter of the sun and the rain for the zones of smokers in outside or stopped of autobus.

The roof can supply to fix to wall or with integrated sticks, in this case can install by couples. This versatility allows to create the zone of smokers more adapted to the surroundings.

The construction in Durapol of the roof Eclipse offers to the unit at the same time an excellent rigidity and resistance to the intemperie. The Durapol is coloreado in mass, no oxida and requires minimum maintenance.

The cover of the roof Eclipse is designed in downward slope to avoid the accumulation of rain or snow. The points of fixation allow by his design the dilatation by effect of the temperature in summer. An insulating board incorporated, seal him gone in of water for any format of installation: by couples joined by the backside, by couples joined by the sides or when fixing them to the wall.

The roof Eclipse supplies with the screws and swearwords to fix to the wall, adapted for wall of brick in state of conservation adapted. (However, it recommends encarecidamente the thorough inspection of the surface before installing. The installation has to be carried out by competent personnel.)

Sticks for fixation with work or with screws can supply like option with additional cost, allowing the fixation by couples or in a place where there is not available wall. The sticks are manufactured in steel with finishing in Armortec, increasing the resistance to the intemperie.

Materials: roof in polyethylene Durapol, sticks in steel with finishing Armortec.

Colours: black (contains material recycled), sand, grey stone, white stone. All the colours can be recycled finally of the life of the product.

Dimensions: largo 1.400 mm, depth 1.000 mm, height 450 mm and weight 17 kg.Height recommended from the tope of the roof until the floor 2.455 mm. Height recommended from the inferior part of the roof until the floor 2.005 mm.