Genebre, S.A. - Diaphragm valves


Pneumatics valves of two roads modulantes: miscellaneous the discharge of the fluid of control that modifies to his time the value of the variable measure

Picture of Pneumatics valves of two roads modulantes
The valve of control plays a very important paper in the loop of regulation, in the automatic control of the industrial processes.

It Realizar the function to vary the discharge of the fluid of control that modifies to his time the value of the variable measured, comporting as an orifice of area continuously variable. Inside the loop of control has so much importance like the primary element, the transmitter and the controller. The obturador is the one who realizar the function of control of the step of the fluid and acts in the steering of his own axis.

Obturador isoporcentual: In the obturador with characteristic isoporcentual each increase of career of the obturador produces a change in the discharge that is proportional to the discharge that flowed before the variation.

They use valves with obturadores Isoporcentuales stops:

- fast Processes.

- When the dynamics of the system does not know very well.

- When it requires high rank of control (rangeability)* *The ‘rangeability' or field of control of discharge that the valve is able to regulate keeping the inherent characteristic curve.

Valve of globe is a valve whose construction distinguishes by the control of the flow by means of a linear movement.

Valve of simple seat and 2 roads. The valves of simple seat require of an actuator of greater size so that the obturador closing against of the differential pressesure of the process. The tight closing attains with obturadores provistos of a seat of PPL (304+PPL).

Valves of control usually enclosed (simple effect, return with docks). Accionamiento: Tyre (air/opens).


- Material of the body: ASTM To216 WCB

- Connection: bridas DIN 2543 (PN16)

- Limit of pressesure: it Waters 16 bar to 120 ºC

- Steam 13 bar to 200 ºC

- Temperature of Work -20 ºC / + 250 ºC

Characteristics of the actuator:

- Type to diaphragm.

- Maximum pressesure of feeding: 6 bar

- Signal of entrance of control: 3 -15 psi

- Optional: commando 4-20 mA with posicionador electro-pneumatics.

- Estanqueidad: DIN IN 1349 Class SAW.