Representaciones Martín Mena, S.L. - Bins

Martín Mena Retriever City

Papeleras For canine waste: dispenser of stock exchanges and system of closing in the same unit

Picture of Papeleras For canine waste
The Retriever City is an exclusive papelera that offers a dispenser of stock exchanges and a system of closing in the same unit. The design of the dispenser of stock exchanges has developed so that it allows to extract only a stock exchange at the same time. It covers it of frontal closing with lateral fencers, ensures an easy and hygienic use.

Retriever City Incorporates a system of closing that avoids that it can access to the content of the papelera once deposited. The modern design of this unit presents fixation to floor and base of width reduced, very adapted for urban surroundings but that besides can use in other locations.

It supplies with: it covers of closing with lateral fencers. Dispenser of stock exchanges. Body and door with double wall of Durapol. Subject system stock exchange. Lock with key of automatic closing. Finishing antipegatinas. Intuitive charts.

Complementos Optional: it stick for the belt of the dog. Lock for covers it. Stock exchanges oxidegradables. Personalización.

Materials: body and door in Durapol.


- Capacity: 35 litres.

- High: 1.142 mm.

- Wide: 439 mm.

- Bottom: 348 mm.

- Weight: 16 kg.

Colours: dark green, red, grey dark, black (contains material recycled).