Talleres Rubio Truck - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Talleres Rubio Truck
Almusafes, 16
46680 Algemesí (València) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑962420046  
🖷:  +34‑962422915
w:  www.talleresrubio.com
Vehicle repair workshop

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Talleres Rubio Truck

Founded in 1978, has 34 years of experience in the repair of vehicles and road cleaning and urban vehicles.

In the year 1990 we join network of Iveco commercial vehicles being official service of the same. In 1999 our company joins the Ros Roca official service of the Levante area. In 2006 the company with the ISO 9001 standard is certified and in 2010 we represent as official service of engines VM to the Levante area.
We are located in a central area of the polygon Industrialalgemesi (Valencia), without problems of access or parking.
Actalmente have 3,000 m², have 4 vehicles fully equipped workshop and 1 vehicle spare parts. We carry out repairs in mechanics, electricity, for commercial and industrial vehicles diagnosis multi-brand and repair of all types of vehicles carrocaria. Our facilities are equipped with the most modern technology to satisfy the customer repair, brake tester, Mobile column, 3 pits, alignment to the step, plasma cutting, bridge 6.2 T crane, elevators, etc.