Modulo Béton España, S.L. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Modulo Béton España, S.L.
Calle Gran Vía 59, Planta 4 Izq
28013 Madrid Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑912503027  
Manufacture and installation of clean Points / Green Points / Ecoparques / Deixalleries / Garbigunes modulables in concrete, centres of collected and storage of waste

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Modulo Béton España, S.L.

The company Module Béton® is cream in 2004 like answer to the increasing need to have of clean points for the collected selective of waste with an innovative and modern idea.
It manufactures under the principle of modularidad what allows him adapt very easy and quickly to any space. By his modularidad is much more economic that singular projects; simple, easy and fast to transport and mount; and, besides, reusable to 100% in new locations.
It has of all the elements to adapt to the requests that request : solidity, finishings, personalización, aprovechamiento of the space, high environingingmental quality, sure, …
All this has allowed him have in a brief space of time of more than a hundred of customers fully satisfied.