Gitma, Mobiliario, Parques y Ocio Urbano - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Gitma, Mobiliario, Parques y Ocio Urbano
Sangroniz, 2
48150 Sondika (Bizkaia) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑944710613  
🖷:  +34‑944536121
Supplier of modular urban mubiliario and playgrounds elements.

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Gitma, Mobiliario, Parques y Ocio Urbano

Like, we believe that the city of the future is a modular city, where the design of prefabricated modular replaces with advantage to the civil works, with lower cost and greater profitability. The work that we like, is put at the disposal of the urbanist elements of modular furnishings, without civil work and low maintenance.

Our furnishings, and our playgrounds are modular and without civil works, with a multitude of complementary pieces to build that environment that you designed.
Of course, our company is not only our products, other tools are needed to satisfy you at all.

It is essential: that you have quick information.
That you can get an immediate budget.
You know that our furniture meets, and...
You have the confidence that you need, you will have, just, when it is required.

We only hope to be a useful management tool.

Commercial network services like information and budgets: our original web page provides all the information, technical data sheets of our products, and if desired an immediate budget. If you do not find what you need, call us, our business will be happy to assist you.

Technical advice: everything is on our website, but if it is not arranged or need point out, do not hesitate to call and our technicians will guide you.
Marketing: Inform you it is our duty, therefore, we frequently send you reminders of the best of our catalog and we invite you to the fairs where you can view our products natural.

Installation: We are very jealous of the good finish and we are proud of our team of editors that will only give you satisfaction.

Post sale maintenance: it will not feel abandoned, we will always have replacement, the best customer is a satisfied customer and only well maintained products speak well of who produces them.

Sales network: Our commercial technicians know thoroughly the complete catalogue and can advise you on the best option, the more adequate budget and the installation more convenient. Only apply those who know. Trust us because we love what we do, we do it, and we are able to spread enthusiasm.