JS Metallic Solutions - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
JS Metallic Solutions
Sant Pere de Casserres, 3 - P. Industrial Malloles
08500 Vic (Barcelona) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑938897066   +34‑652824257  
🖷:  +34‑938861647
w:  www.solucions-metaliques-js.com
Manufacture and setting of metal structures

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

JS Metallic Solutions

The company

Structure, Muntatges i Soldadures JS is a company devoted to the setting of metal structures with professional finishings and of quality. We offer a big variety of possibilities headed to different sectors, so much of the company constructor as in companies of production and services.

Have specialised us in sectors so diverse eat:

  • public Work: metallic Constructions for streets, parks, gardens, footpaths… Supply and manufacture of urban equipment of public spaces with personalised execution of designs collaborating with architects, technical architects and designers.
  • Acts civil: works in metallic constructions for public buildings (universities, institutes, schools, municipal swimming pools, residential buildings, urbanisations…). Manufacturings of type cerrajero (rails, doors, grilles, finish of sheet, false ceilings etc.) Settings of metal structures for the construction of ships, local, altillos, structures galvanised, fixed or removable.
  • Alimentary industry and/or chemical: alimentary Installations of industries cárnicas, lácticas, vegetal, juices, food precocinada… Advice and manufacturing of studies and technical projects of alimentary engineering. Pipes for fluids in pipes of stainless steel 304 and 306, manual weldings recognised and weldings with Orbital in atmosphere protected. Construction of pipes for fluent corrosivos, delicate, to pressesure, steam and air compressesed. In fulfillment of the application of alimentary rules CE and FDA.
  • Industrial settings: Settings of machinery, of mobile photovoltaic installations, industrial maintenances.
  • Service sector: Equipments for bars and restaurants, equipments for beaches (showers, rails, banks…) and other equipments in zones of leisure.