Romero Muebles de Laboratorio, S.A. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Romero Muebles de Laboratorio, S.A.
Verano, 17
28850 Torrejón de Ardoz (Madrid) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑902209219  
🖷:  +34‑902102992
Equipment for laboratories

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Romero Muebles de Laboratorio, S.A.

Since 1967, when we started the production of furniture and items for laboratories in Spain, we have not ceased to bet on the complete "turnkey" projects from the furnishings, the facilities of plumbing, electrical and special gases and their approval.
Since 1967, when we started the production of furniture and items for laboratories in Spain, we have not ceased to bet on the futuro.Como timber industry, our greatest concern has been the care and respect for the medium ambiente.Como timber industry, our greatest concern has been the care and respect for the environment.As the timber industry, our greatest concern has been the care and respect for the medium ambiente.ndo the best guarantee of future and service of our clientes.Como wood industry, our greatest concern has been the care and respect for the environment.Re factory and warehouse, following a policy of production storage of product-oriented, always able to have a high level of ready stock for inmediato.Como shipping industry of wood, our greatest concern has been the care and respect for the medium ambiente.informaticos of last generation.
As the wood industry, our greatest concern has been the care and respect for the environment. Wood is a noble material and non-polluting, and has been declared by the Association of builders Americans as the building material of the 21st century by being the only raw material that reproduces and whose preparation and manufacturing process is not harmful to the environment.
In its preparation, treatment and recycling have invested in new technology to avoid environmental impact.