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“It is necessary to offer always the most adapted solution to the productive needs of the customer”

Interview to Óscar Egaña, commercial technician of Solids System-Technik

Editorial Interempresas15/12/2011

15 December 2011

During the last quarter of the year have taken place two important professional meetings in which Solids System-Technik has not failed: the fairs Powtech and Expoquimia. The Powtech, international fair of reference in all the relative to the industry of process and instrumentation, celebrated in the natal country of his activity, Germany, took place the past month of October and explained as every year, with the participation of the companies leader in the sector. Expoquimia, by his part, is the meeting of the chemical sector of the country in which they give appointment the most leading companies of the chemical sector, one of the branch solutions of Solids Solutions Group. Óscar Egaña, commercial technician that attended to both meetings in Núremberg and Barcelona, explains the details of both events, as well as a small balance of the year.
Óscar Egaña, commercial technician of Solids System-Technik
Óscar Egaña, commercial technician of Solids System-Technik.

A fair devoted exclusively to the industry of process, exists a market that justify the existence of a so skilled event?

Yes, certainly exists a very wide market and varied as they are the industry of the feeding, pharmacy, chemical, mineral, rubber, plastic and environment, with companies that need of knowledges specialists to be able to achieve the maximum productivity. In this sense, these events keep on being the best place of meeting between professionals.

On the other hand, the industry of process is an important industrial state in Germany and of here the big success of assistance of professionals to the fair Powtech. For solids system-technik, this is a special fair since we share stand with our German partners of the group Solids Solutions Group.

In the case of Expoquimia, which class of solutions can offer a skilled engineering in the handle of solids to granel?

Ours company always has concerned for adapting to the needs of each customer and by this reason has developed diverse lines of product that recently are in the fairs Powtech and Expoquimia, as they are the line Basic (for abrasive solids and no corrosivos), Clean (adapted for exigencia half regarding cleaning and hygiene), Hygienic (maximum hygiene in the production) and Heavy (resistant to the temperature and to the wear).

Sectorial specialisation, lines of components... It is necessary so much classification?

Always is necessary to offer the solution more optima to the productive needs of the customer and during our 40 years like engineering specialist in handle industrial of solids, have given a big importance to develop solutions that adapt to the needs specify of each sector as they do it the ranges Basic, Clean, Hygienic and Heavy.

In full crisis, is interesting to attend to fairs?

Yes, since in the current coyuntura of market is more important that never show you to the potential customers. We are an engineering of process of handle of solids to granel, focused to contribute integral solutions to the needs of the customers and these fairs offer us a very good opportunity of meeting.

Of face to the next 2012, will be still in the same line and will participate in fairs so much German like Spaniards. By the moment, can confirm our presence in the section Hygienic of New Lounges in Karlsruhe, in the Anuga-FoodTech of Colony, in the Achema of Frankfurt and in the Schüttgut of Düsseldorf, as well as in the fair Exposólidos in Barcelona, where besides form part of the committee organiser.

In comparison with previous years and taking into account the economic crisis, would consider that the participation has descended this year?

In the Powtech understand that the number of expositores has kept and in Expoquimia perhaps has descended slightly with regard to previous editions, but in both cases there has been a big influx of professionals. For the group Solids Solutions both fairs have had a positive balance so much by the big number of professionals that have approached to our stand, as well as by the quantity of queries received.

And apropos the current economic situation, how affects this to an engineering as yours?

All know that the economic situation that live today is not good and a lot of companies have decided not investing in improvements or extensions until it stabilise the coyuntura current with the consequent descent of projects, for this reason, some engineerings are not going through a good moment. Fortunately, Solids System-Technik, during his almost half century like engineering, has offered solutions to a wide fan of industrial states and this diversification, together with a good 'know-how', is allowing us this year have a positive balance and with perspectives of improvement for 2012.

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