
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a Fidel Toldrà, director del Grupo de Investigación de Bioquímica, Tecnología e Innovación de la Carne y Productos Cárnicos en el IATA-CSIC

“Spain is the first world-wide producer of ham cured and thus we have to be also pioneers in his investigation”

Interview to Fidel Toldrà, director of the Group of Investigation of Biochemicals, Technology and Innovation of the Meat and Products Cárnicos in the IATA-CSIC

David Pozo08/05/2014

The ham, this big known of our tables and ambassador of our gastronomy, has been instead a big stranger in the field of investigation during years. A marked product by the printing of the tradition that to arrive to the rest of the world has had to evolve, and in this has had good fault Fidel Toldrà, director of the Group of Investigation of Biochemicals, Technology and Innovation of the Meat and Products Cárnicos in the IATA-CSIC. His curriculum and the quantity of recognitions to his scientific work are innumerable. The last, the prize awarded by the American Meat Science Association, for the first time conceded to a researcher that exerts his work out of United States, here is at all.


You carries decades investigating in a so vital sector for our alimentary industry as it is the cured of meat of pig, and especially with the ham. If it had to choose a fundamental advance in this sector in these last years, which would be?

The one of the ham is a sector that precisely because of his importance has advanced enough in the last decades. It treated of products that traditionally transmitted of generation in generation, and many times the basic foundations of the why generated this aroma, flavour and characteristic texture did not know . From the years 80 the most significant advance, specifically in the cured of the ham, has been the knowledge of the encimas involved in said process, that has showed that the ham is an alive body where the encimas present in the muscle follow remaining active once the animal is sacrificed and have a decisive importance in the quality that goes to have this ham, fundamentally in the flavour and aroma that this piece will develop in the months of cured. Besides the knowledge of these encimas has allowed to optimise the process so that this aroma was more pleasant and intense, and even the avoid defects of texture as it has been able to check. The called hams with effect chewing gum are very soft precisely by an excessive performance of any of these encimas that affect to the proteins and that give place to some anomalous textures.

The reduction of the salt of the ham cured has been perhaps the big challenge for the industry? The aim now is to achieve that this reduction affect the minimum possible to his properties organolépticas?

That is one of the most significant challenges that in these moments is posing the sector cárnico, no only to level of ham, but in all the cured and baked, because all carry but or less quantity of salt. In the case of the ham cured this quantity is elevated and is one of the products that, unfortunately, in spite of his nobility by not carrying almost additive and be rich nutricionalmente, is of the first that recorta in the diet of patients with hypertension. It is a challenge that does not result easy to solve, since they are a lot of centuries of product and the salt plays so many roles in the healing of the ham that results complicated even reduce it. It has achieved diminish in a 30-35% the quantity of salt without affecting to his sensory properties, but a greater reduction already supposes difficulties and requires of investigation and of an adaptation of the processes of manufacture to these levels of reduction of salt.


From the meat sector is promoting ?

Exist sanitary ware recommendations of all the big organisms and of the governments to reduce the salt, in Spain also, and the industrial state cárnico has been very receptivo to this demand and is promoting that in his products reduce the salt. In this sense are realizar investigations, but as we have commented does not result an easy subject because unfortunately it results difficult replace the salt by another product that fulfil the same functions in all his technological and sensory fields, and requires to accommodate the conditions of process, temperatures and time, to this reduction of salt.

Another of the fundamental transformations that has suffered the industry has been in the process of the cured. What has meant and what remains still for investigating in this appearance?

Spain is the first world-wide producer of ham cured, with 40 million pieces to the year, and thus we have to be also pioneers in his investigation. During a lot of years did not loan attention to what was the prime matter. It knew that the Iberian had some peculiarities that conceded him this special importance at the end of the process, but in the white pig did not investigate , for example, the importance of the genetics, age or feeding of the animal. They are a lot of appearances those that are studying at present. It treats of a dynamic sector, with new genetic and introduction of new combinations of cereals in the piensos, creating a series of advantages and problems in the final product that have to know .

How it values the new norm of the Iberian?

The Iberian is a type of ham very particular and in which it is necessary to sort out so that it do not exist confusion to level of consumer, so much to the hour to buy the product in the supermarket as if it consumes in the channel Horeca. Sort out in this sector is so important like which this information arrive to the consumer. It can not remain in a norm that know the involved in the sector and that to level of street was unknown by the big public.
Fidel Toldrà in the laboratories of the IATA-CSIC in Burjassot (Valencia)
Fidel Toldrà in the laboratories of the IATA-CSIC in Burjassot (Valencia).
“The pig is very rooted in our culture, but perhaps has not gone accompanied with the necessary propaganda in which respecta to the cool meat”

The consumer follows considering the meat of pig and the products derived of him as little healthy? In what has advanced in this appearance in the last years?

The pig is very rooted in our culture, but perhaps has not gone accompanied with the necessary propaganda in which respecta to the cool meat. Always we have assimilated like true that the meat of pig has a lot of fat and is hurtful for the health. In this sense would like me remark that yes there has been a change thanks to the investigation in the last two decades in which it has showed that this fat of the meat of pig is much more insaturada of what thinks , with some quantities of acid oleico that rondan 50%. Therefore this vision, even from the medicine, that desaconsejaba the consumption of meat of pig, has gone changing, and inside a healthy diet and balanced already recommends his consumption.

Would stand out a curious anecdote that occurred me does some years when I received a call of a Galician doctor that had realizar an investigation on centenarian people in Galicia. And the reason of that call was to look for a scientific answer to something that seemed him inexplicable, and is that the only element in common in the diet of all these people had been the usual consumption of meat of pig along his life.

Sure that they have asked it to him many times, but between all the types of meat you would remain with the one of pig?

A meat of pig of quality is very good. But we have to take into account that sometimes by this tendency to the reduction of fat also have boosted genetic crosses very magros with very little fat infiltrated, and this to sensory level notices , losing the meat in juiciness and flavour.

You directs the group of investigation of Biochemicals, Technology and Innovation of the Meat and Products Cárnicos in the CSIC. Which are the main lines of investigation that are carrying out?

On the one hand we carry several years studying the peptides bioactivos, small pieces of proteins that generate in the products cárnicos like consequence of the performance of the own enzymes of the meat. What have observed through proofs of laboratory and live with rats hipertensas is that when they administer them these peptides the arterial tension decrece in 30-40 mm of mercury. We have checked that these peptides bioactivos, so much in stuffings cured as in ham, can produce these beneficial effects. So much to national level like European are studying the effects for the health of these present elements in the ham cured, and are finding a big quantity of beneficial peptides. This results very important, since this reduction of the arterial tension thanks to the peptides could compensate the hurtful effect of the salt. Another important line of investigation are the routes of generation of aroma and flavour in the products cured. We identify the responsible compounds, how generate and how can improve his generation to level of enzymes and of microorganisms in fermentation.

From the year 2008 is you member of the International Academy of Science and Technology of the Foods. What promotes from this institution?

What promotes from the Academy is a healthy and safe feeding from the hygienic point of view-sanitary ware and near at hand of all the world. Unfortunately they exist some parts of the planet with malnutrition, whereas in others the problem is the waste of foods.

“The Meat Processing Award recognises the transcendence that the investigations realizar have for the meat sector”

What means for you the recognition that has awarded him the American Meat Science Association?

It treats of an enormous joy, especially because it comes from of EE UU, the country where the meat is the basic element of the feeding and where more investigation has carried out. Besides it is a double joy because it is the first time that the American Meat Science Association concedes this prize to a researcher that works out of United States. Although I have been working during some periods in American universities, now does long that exert my work in Valency for the CSIC. It is an enormous satisfaction, because besides the Meat Processing Award recognises the transcendence that the investigations realizar have for the meat sector. Many times the researchers have tendency to be in the laboratory and throw us in face that the results do not go out to the market, and this prize is a sample that the investigation yes can arrive to the sector.

In this sense has improved the public collaboration-deprived in the last years?

Yes that it perceives and the sample is that in the Laboratory of the Meat have all type of agreements with companies, so much big like SMEs. But it is true that does not exist all the collaboration that would have to have and the example is EE UU, where exists a big interaction industry-investigation with a mutual profit.

A factor that consider that it does not remain clear in our country is the one of the competitiveness and the fact that it is necessary innovar to be competitive. Here it thinks many times that be competitive is to go down wages and sell cheaper, but does not take into account that when somebody launch a similar product to the market to the same price will sell the best. To do a better product it is necessary innovar and give him value added.

In some years in that the most common has been the escape of our talent researcher, which steps thinks that have to give to avoid this bloodletting and follow improving ours R&D?

In all the centres of investigation exist youngsters very very formed, with a lot of talent, and to which no is them giving any opportunity. Unfortunately or they have to change of work or go to the foreigner to follow investigating. The most sad is that we do not darse that create researchers is a work of a lot of years, with a lot of investment, but the destruction is very fast. The only form of revertir the current situation is to go back to increase the destined bottoms to R&D that allow us survive and advance, endowing of scholarships doctorales and post-doctorales to those professionals that want to investigate and work in our country and contribute like this to the Spanish economy.

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