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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at El parón de la cogeneración se generaliza, según Acogen

The stop of the cogeneration generalises , as they Receive


9 May 2014

Javier Rodríguez, general director of Receive inaugurated together José María Roqueta, president of Take Spain, the already traditional Technical Day on Cogeneration and Microcogeneración, in the frame of Generates 2014.

After reaching in April a reduction of the production in cogeneration of 40% in reference to the registered in the same period of the previous year, for Javier Rodríguez, “in Spain, can not allow us stages of greater unemployed, deslocalizaciones and loss of employment in the industry, when this is the best national bet for revertir the crisis, the Government has it also very clear. Still it is possible revertir this situation applying measures that allow to improve the legitimate paper of the cogeneration for reindustrializar Spain”.

The Day has developed in an environingingment of worry by the future of the plants of cogeneration in Spain and the disastrous consequences that the long process of energetic reform of the Government is producing on them and his industries associated. In the last weeks have sucedido the announcements of paralización of investments, enclosures of installations and Are in numerous industrial companies that produce with power from plants cogeneradoras associated. Likewise, the companies can not close his accounts in so much in when they do not know which go to be his definite rewards.

The first table of this Day started, precisely, with a detailed analysis on the situation of the cogeneration in the surroundings of the energetic reform and his back debate moderated by Diego Contreras. The environingingmental facet was tackled by Laura Ribó, with an intervention on environingingmental requests and opportunities with the Renove. Javier Esteban, moderated the table on cogeneration and energetic markets. Also it had special interest the intervention of Carmen Soldered, of Local Power, on the Strategy of operation and offers of the cogeneration with the new reform. The Day closed with a debate on microcogeneración moderate by Cristina Díaz.

With cogeneration manufactures 20% of our industrial GDP Spain, and besides 50% of the products manufactured with power from cogeneration export . The industries linked add 200.000 direct employments. The impact of the new regulation of the cogeneracion that expects in the next months on the competitiveness of the industries, his capacity of export and his employment to confirm the figures proposed the past February can do useless all the efforts of economic recovery realizar by the industrial companies cogeneradoras going back to the senda of recession. With cogeneration produces 12% of the electricity of the country using 25% of the national consumption of gas. The intensive industries energetically need the cogeneration to be more efficient and save power. The cogeneration is a tool promoted by the European Union by his high energetic efficiency and environingingmental advantages, is the tool for paliar the high energetic prices of Spain in relation to his European and American competitors.

Related Companies or Entities

Asociación Española de Cogeneración

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