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The meeting had the assistance of the president of the company, Dr. Jan Stefan Roell

Madrid receives successfully the fifth edition of the Academy Day of Zwick Roell Group

David Muñoz23/04/2014

The Upper School of Experimental Sciences and Technology (Escet) of the University Rey Juan Carlos of Madrid, received the past 9 April the fifth edition of the Academy Day of Zwick Roell Group, manufacturer of world-wide reference in matter of equipment and systems of essay. After the three first celebrated editions in different universities of Germany and a fourth organised in the University of Manchester (United Kingdom), this meeting, whose aim goes through to boost the exchange of information between the industry and the academic field, enjoyed in Madrid of a big received, with speakers of international size. The day explained besides with the appeal added to be the stage chosen for the delivery of the Zwick Science Awards 2013, that recognise the best works in investigations on mechanical essay of materials.

For the fifth edition of the Academy Day of Zwick Roell Group chose like general subject 'Mechanical testing of lightweight materials', which woke up a big interest to tenor of the big influx of people that filled the Classroom Magna of the Upper School of Experimental Sciences and Technology (Escet) of the University Rey Juan Carlos.

General sight of the assistants to the fifth edition of the Academy Day of Zwick Roell Group

General sight of the assistants to the fifth edition of the Academy Day of Zwick Roell Group.

The inauguration of the day had the stood out presence of the rector of the University Rey Juan Carlos, the professor Fernando Suárez, the one who recognised the success of announcement that has had this fifth edition of the Academy Day and the honour that supposed for this centre receive a meeting like this which puts in value the relation industry-university.

In the act of welcome also were present the professor Alejandro Ureña, chair of the Department of Science and Engineering of Material (Dcim) and manager of the Group of Investigation in Compound Materials Advanced and Nanocomposites, and Imma Pascual, manager of Zwick Iberian, both coorganizadores of these days, which appreciated the presence of all the assistants. Also it had the honour to have the assistance of the CEO of Zwick Roell Group, Dr. Jan Stefan Roell, the one who in addition to congratulating to the organisation by this fifth Academy Day, did a small summary of what is and to what devotes the group that chairs.

With some origins that trace back to the year 1876, Zwick Roell has consolidated over time like the big world-wide referent in the manufacture and sale of equipment and systems of essays, with a turnover estimated for this year of 211 million euros. In addition to the standard essays –traction, compressesion and flexión–, with the machines of essays of materials of Zwick, also can realizar essays multiaxiales, such like essays of twinaxial traction and essays of torsion, among others.

To day of today, the main destinations of the equipment and systems of essay Zwick are the sector of the metal (24%), the academic field (19%), the automotive sector (17%) and the sector of the plastic (11%), having like one of the supreme values of his work “the innovation”. His aim: supply equipment of essays that can provide true "and precise measurements".

A poster of big professional

The fifth edition of the Academy Day of Zwick Roell Group had a poster of luxury, formed by professors of international prestige related with the investigation of light materials. In the first place, the professor Joaquín Rams, director of the Department of Science and Engineering of Materials of the University Rey Juan Carlos did a review by the lines of investigation in which it is working this department as well as by the different installations with which explain in this university to be able to develop all these works (instrumented in a lot of cases with systems Zwick).

Act of inauguration. Of left to right: professor Alejandro Ureña, chair of the Dcim of the University Rey Juan Carlos, Dr...

Act of inauguration. Of left to right: professor Alejandro Ureña, chair of the Dcim of the University Rey Juan Carlos, Dr. Jan Stefan Roell, CEO of Zwick Roell Group, professor Fernando Suárez, rector of the University Rey Juan Carlos, and Imma Pascual, manager of Zwick Iberian.

Later, the professor Alejandro Ureña, manager of the group of investigation in Compound Materials Advanced and Nanocomposites in the University Rey Juan Carlos, developed the last advances that has attained his team of researchers in matter of monitoring of the health structural of the materials, especially in composites for application in the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing sector.

The professor Federico Paris, chair of the University of Seville and manager of the group of investigation of Elasticity and Resistance of Materials, developed the subject of the mechanical essays for big structures manufactured with compound materials, calling the attention during his intervention in the imparable growth that have these materials in the manufacture of the new aeroplanes: in the Airbus To 330 11%, in the To 380 25% and in the To 350XWB, 53%.

To continuation, the professor José Manuel Torralba, director attach of the Institute Imdea Materials and chair of the University Carlos III of Madrid, developed the last advances attained in a so light material as it is the magnesium, describing some of his mechanical properties and the proofs that realizar to look after the good state of his structure.

Joaquín Rams, director of the Department of Science and Engineering of Materials of the University Rey Juan Carlos...

Joaquín Rams, director of the Department of Science and Engineering of Materials of the University Rey Juan Carlos.

After the pause of the coffee, went the turn for the professor Josep Coast, chair of the University of Gironinginga, president of the Spanish Association of Compound Materials (Aemac) and director of Amade, a group of investigation and centre of technological transfer in which they integrate researchers of the departments of Mechanical Engineering and of the Industrial Construction (Emci) and of Physics. During his intervention gave information detailed on how reconsider the methods of essay in the characterisation of the tenacity to fracture interlaminar in compound materials laminados.

The Dr. Robert Böhm, of the Institute of Engineering of Light Materials and Technology of Polymers (ILK) of the University of Dresde (Germany), described in the following intervention how realizar his department the characterisation of damages in compound materials reinforced with fabrics of high mechanical provision.

And, finally, the professor Richard Dashwood, of the University of Warwick (United Kingdom), deepened during his presentation, in the application of mechanical essays for the manufacture of light vehicles.

Federico Paris, manager of the group of investigation of Elasticity and Resistance of Materials of the University of Seville...

Federico Paris, manager of the group of investigation of Elasticity and Resistance of Materials of the University of Seville.

Delivery of the Zwick Science Awards 2013

The fifth edition of the Academy Day of Zwick Roell Group included the delivery of the Zwick Science Awards 2013, as well as of the prestigious Medal Paul Roell. Through these awards Zwick wants to recognise annually the most innovative works in the field of the essays of materials. The rewarded in this occasion have been:

  • First prize and Medal Paul Roell: Depruba Lahiri, of the Institute Hindú of Technology (IIT), Roorkee-Indian, by the work titled: ‘Carbon nanotubes: How strong is their bond with the substrate?'
  • Second prize: Beth Mortimer, of the University of Oxford (United Kingdom), by the work ‘Forced Reeling of Bombyx mori silk: separating behavior and processing conditions'.
  • Third prize: Javier G. Fernández, of the School of Engineering and Sciences Applied of Harvard (EE UU), by the work ‘Unexpected strength and toughness in Chitosan-Fibroin laminates inspired by insect cuticle'.
  • Fourth prize: Jochen Hempel, of the University of Friburgo (Germany), by his work titled ‘SAW Strain Sensors: High precision strain sensitivity investigation of chip-level'.

All they could present to the public assistant the main lines of his respective works.

Photo of group with the rewarded and delivery of the Medal Paul Roell
Photo of group with the rewarded and delivery of the Medal Paul Roell.

The fifth edition of the Academy Day closed , after the food, with a visit guided by the laboratories with which explains the department of Science and Engineering of Materials of the University Rey Juan Carlos

Dr. Jan Stefan Roell, CEO of Zwick Roell Group
Dr. Jan Stefan Roell, CEO of Zwick Roell Group.

Interview to Dr. Jan Stefan Roell, CEO of Zwick Roell Group

Imagine that, at most responsible of the company, is satisfied by the success of this fifth edition of the Academy Day of Zwick Roell Group…

Yes, of course, am really happy by how has resulted this edition. In the first place, because it is very organised; second, by the wonderful location that has chosen ; and in third place because it always results very interesting listen the works of investigation that are realizar in different fields related with structures and light materials.

This is the fifth edition of the Academy Day of Zwick Roell Group. The three first celebrated in Germany, the past year did in Manchester and this year have chosen Madrid. Which are the main aims that marked to the hour to launch this event?

The main aim is to provide to the researchers a platform in which give to know his works and how employ in them the equipment of essay of materials. Besides, we reinforce this meeting with the delivery of our Prizes, which suppose for the researchers an extra motivation to the hour to compete for attaining this recognition.

Inside the global presence of Zwick Roell Group, which importance has for Uds. The Spanish market?

As well it knows, the Spanish market has crossed a difficult situation during the last years, owed in good part to the fall suffered by his industry. But we are not in the market with the intention to look for results in the short term, but to consolidate our presence for the next decades. That is to say, we work with seen to the long term, and therefore we follow investing in this country and follow consolidating our customers, so much with Spanish companies as with companies foráneas that have bases in Spain. In any case, I am positive and think that Spain is already on the way of the recovery and Zwick Roell Group is prepared to increase his presence in this market.

Could give us some data of Zwick Roell Group to do us an idea of the dimension reached already by the company?

Are a group with a staff of some 1.200 people and our income are roughly between the 200 million euros (the aim for 2014 is to reach the 211 million euros). We produce in Germany (mostly), Austria and England, and sell and give support to our product in practically all the parts of the world.

Finally and like summary, how sees the future of Zwick Roell Group in Spain and in the rest of the world?

The current situation is much better that the one who anticipated, by what the company is growing strongly during this 2014. To half term, think that, because of the every time greater need of the market to save in material and to have material of high quality, is opening a high potential of development for us to world-wide level. Therefore, I am very optimistic of face to the evolution of the Group in the next months.

And with regard to Spain, as it said him previously, think that the worst already has happened and that there are a lot of initiatives for developing. The Spaniards can be proud of how have encarado this difficult situation of the market. Besides, from my point of view, the young people in Spain, because of the high level of unemployment that still exists, is very motivated to follow evolving, and that is a point to his favour. As also it is it the enormous potential that has this country to the hour to work and collaborate with Sudamérica, where there are countries that already are experiencing a high growth.

Imma Pascual, manager of Zwick Iberian
Imma Pascual, manager of Zwick Iberian.

Interview to Imma Pascual, manager of Zwick Iberian

What would stand out of this fifth edition of the Academy Day of Zwick Roell Group?

Especially that has been an act with a big academic support. The fact that the University Rey Juan Carlos have been very involved in his organisation, until the point that has been inaugurated by his own rector, has given him a very high level.

For us has been a pleasure can receive in Spain this fifth edition, after the three first celebrated in Germany and the previous of England. We opt three candidates to the organisation of this fifth edition (France, Switzerland and Spain) and at the end trusted we.

Why chose like thematic for this edition ‘mechanical essays of light materials'?

Was a selection shared between the professor Alejandro Ureña, coorganizador of this day, and we. The compound materials are a type of light materials but did not want to focalizarnos only in those. We looked for to expand the fan of the audience and of the possible applications. In fact, during the different reports also have touched other materials as it can be the magnesium and other different applications to the traditional of the aerospace sector.

Which paper plays Zwick in the investigations with light materials?

Zwick, in all the related with proofs of light materials, and more especially in compound materials, always has been to the avant-garde. For example, in the last years has developed his model of machine Allround, a modular solution very effective of 100 and 250 kN. An only machine covers 20 distinct types of essay and 100 norms.  Also it allows to join up a camera of available temperature for a rank between -70 and +250 °C.

In this way, in addition to the essays of traction, compressesion and flexión usual, also can realizar essays quite more complex as they are the determination of the resistance to the shearing interlaminar (ILSS) until the shearing by solapamiento, going through the essay of shearing of entalladura in V. To these, add the essays of tenacity to the break and of static compressesion for the measurement of the residual resistance, after predañar a probeta of systematic form (Compressesion After Impact).

Even can combine the methods 'final load' and 'load of shearing', so that, to high levels of resistance of compressesion by a better distribution of the compressesion, can generate values of break defined and, with this, valid. This solution, known like Hydraulics Composites Compressesion Fixture (HCCF), also is applicable for essays of compressesion with entalladura (open hole compressesion, filled hole compressesion), according to AITM 1-0008.

Which importance has the academic field in the work of Zwick?

Is our second more important market, only by behind the industry of the metal. It is in the academic field where are cream many of the new materials and where begin the first needs of essay. Therefore, the base of Zwick is to know what is happening in this field, in which lines is investigating, to be able to take out to the new market solutions that can attend these needs.

Work very near of the academic field, helping them in all that that require for his activity. In fact, for putting him an example, have of a version of our software testXpert with a module educacional that offer them gratuitamente so that they can realizar of an optimum form his essays and can connect even a machine of virtual essays that can use the students in his learning.

Considers that they have seen very affected the academic investigations with the economic crisis that suffers Spain?

The truth is that yes. If we look the level of investment that is doing the Government in the academic field, in his games of investigation this is one of the most affected sectors. It follows having investments but no to the same level that in 2007.

In which applications have, to day of today, an elder witnesses the equipment of Zwick?

Our three big sectors are Metal, plastic and Automotive sector. Have an important presence in the industry, and especially take into account that the groups of German companies, that since they have worked from his origins with Zwick, when they transfer the production to Spain, want to realizar the essays  with the same quality that do it in his  country, in which we are clearly leaders of market.

Which differential elements would stand out of the product and of the service of Zwick?

In the first place, that Zwick is a German company that always employs the highest technology. Besides, it is a company that always has characterised for being very near of his customers, offering a total access to the knowledge of the experts. We explain, for example, with a laboratory of essays, totally available for those customers that have doubts on which machine use or which capacity needs.

Organise demonstrations for customers, annual forums like the 23 edition of testXpo where show near of 250 machines of essays… The accessibility to all the personnel of Zwick is maximum, included to his president as it has showed in this Academy Day.

What future expects him to Zwick Iberian?

Create sincerely that have done a big work to give us to know even more in our market during these last years. To this event, for example, have come 40 people that did not know previously. Our aim is, therefore, increase our presence and volume of business in different fields and applications, of the hand of our customers.

Professor Alejandro Ureña, manager of the group of investigation in Compound Materials Advanced and Nanocomposites of the University Rey Juan Carlos...

Professor Alejandro Ureña, manager of the group of investigation in Compound Materials Advanced and Nanocomposites of the University Rey Juan Carlos.

Interview to the professor Alejandro Ureña, manager of the group of investigation in Compound Materials Advanced and Nanocomposites of the University Rey Juan Carlos

What supposes for his Department the have received the 5ª edition of the Academy Day of Zwick Roell Group?

Definitely, is a big opportunity to be able to joint professionals of the world of the industry, of the university and of the centres of investigation, analysing in this occasion a problematic of interest as it is the analysis and the mechanical behaviour of the light materials, fundamentally for the transport (aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing, car...). Besides, when including the delivery of the Zwick Science Awards 2013, allows to explain also with young researchers that are in learning and that they are the future of ours R&D to European level.

Understand, therefore, that the balance that do of this meeting from the University Rey Juan Carlos is very positive, is not like this?

Of course. This is the first time that has done the Academy Day of Zwick Roell Group in Spain and the true is that it has been all a success. It proposed our candidature, that was struggled with other universities of prestige that also wanted to receive this event, and at the end our university has had the pleasure to be able to coorganizarla.

Which relation keeps his department of Composites Advanced and Nanocomposites in the University Rey Juan Carlos, with Zwick?

Could define it like a double relation. On the one hand, it is a commercial relation because Zwick supplies us some equipment and technical of essay that use in our lines of investigation. And by the another, is a relation of collaboration in the diffusion of the activities of R&D that develop, through the conjoint organisation of this type of events and days, of the sponsorship of our own activities of investigation, the loan of equipment… This is, definitely, a good example of collaboration industry-university.

Finally, could resumirnos to what devotes his Department?

The University Rey Juan Carlos has a Department of Science and Engineering of Materials, that in addition to being the manager of the academic learning of the titled of Degree and Postgrado in the subjects related with the processed, the behaviour and the structure of the materials; also it develops the main activity of R&D in Science and Engineer of Materials that takes place in the University. Inside the Department, investigate appearances related with the manufacture of compound materials advanced, the application of the nanotechnology in the development of materials, the coating and treatment  superficial of materials for the improvement of his behaviour in front of corrosion and wear, the welding and union of materials, the processed of light alloys (aluminium and magnesium) and other subjects of investigation applied where is necessary the optimisation of the behaviour in service of the materials.  Inside the Department, exists a group of researchers that I coordinate  specialised in the field of the compound materials advanced. Our main aim is to resolve the problematic of the manufacture and the behaviour in service of structural compound materials, that apply fundamentally in the transport and the generation of power, at the same time that it contributes behaviour multifuncional by means of the incorporation of nanomaterials (nanotubos of carbon, grafeno, etc). The advance in the development of these new materials will allow to be more efficient in the before indicated sectors, what will contribute to reach some of the challenges that ours society pursues related with achieving systems of transport or power cleaner and efficient.

Related Companies or Entities

ZwickRoell, S.L.

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