
Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en La multinacional Festo elige Fremm para potenciar su división de formación en España

The multinational Festo chooses Fremm to improve his division of learning in Spain


14 April 2014

The Centre of Learning of Fremm has stepped more like national referent in educational service with the inauguration of his installations of the first Centre of Excellence Festo in Spain, after being recognised by the German multinational like the best centre of the country in innovation and technology to give the learning of mecatrónica, that receives the specialitys of electricity, electronic and mechanical applied to the industry.

With reason of the opening, the federation of the metal receives during all day a day of diffusion headed to companies and to the industrial state of the Sureste to give to know the scope and profit that reports to have a staff with access to learning certified by Festo, of face to the efficient maintenance of his industrial equipment.

Festo Has chosen Fremm to improve his division of learning in Spain
Festo Has chosen Fremm to improve his division of learning in Spain.

The first students selected to follow the course will begin the classes in the weeks to come, those who will obtain a double degree like guarantee of a formative qualification and of productivity in the company, that will deliver Fremm and Festo, respectively. The class will not surpass the 15 students. To go in in this formative offer, has to have of Half or Upper Degree of Professional Learning.

The labour exits of the students selected are diverse, since they are directed so much to work in companies of metalmecánica as to industries of the sector of the agroalimentación, in where already they have interested by these courses, or with plants of own production.

During the day of open doors to visit the installations, the assistants are knowing the laboratories of the Centre of Learning, that are instrumented with the last industrial technology, with regard to robotics, manipulation, communications and programming, among others, fields. Likewise, it has celebrated a conference on ‘The energetic efficiency continues winning in importance! The energetically efficient factory', where treated , among others subjects, on the repercussion of the prices of the power.

Related Companies or Entities

Federación Regional de Empresarios del Metal de Murcia
Festo Automation, S.A.U.

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