
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Mobotix presenta su nueva línea de cámaras en Sicur 2014

Mobotix Presents his new line of cameras in Sicur 2014


10 March 2014


Mobotix, the greater world-wide manufacturer of systems in network of videovigilancia of cameras megapíxeles, participates in Sicur by 5º consecutive edition showing his last novelties.

This edition of Sicur is very important for the company since it is the first time that participates with stand own (number 10C10) and besides has taken advantage of the fair to show his new line of cameras of 5 megapíxeles: the cameras D25, M25 and Q25 that offer images of big contrast and without desenfoque of movement, even in conditions of little lighting, thanks to the new optimisation of the exhibition Low-Light of Mobotix.

The camera MonoDome D25 adapts perfectly to the needs of the customers. It offers multiple possibilities of application thanks to interchangeable lens and diverse variants of installation and equipment that cover until a group antivandálico.

The model M25 is the professional and economic camera of interchangeable aim, ideal for the application in interior and external. Has grabador of internal digital video with until 64 GB of capacity by heart and sensor of high definition of until 5 megapíxeles.

The model Q25 is his camera Tame IP ultracompacta and resistant to the climatic agents more discreet, since it is difficult to identify like camera even for the most curious looks. Thanks to the panoramic sight of 360° can install for the control and the recording of video by events of a complete room.

M15D-thermal sensors sensors, first model termográfico of Mobotix, that sees what does not see the human eye. Camera termográfica of high range with thermal sensors sensor of 50 mK and a rank of measurement of temperature of -40 to 550 °C. The thermal sensors sensor is able to detect in complete darkness, through smoke, fog or a fine plastic film.

Of course, in the stand also can see the previous models, some that have been launched to the market along the 2013: M15, S15 and D15, as well as the videoportero T25.

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