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A technologically neutral selection of electrical actuators and tyres is the key for the success in automation

Inspiring solutions for the energetic efficiency and mecatrónica

Editorial Interempresas17/12/2013

The users often choose a technology of accionamiento (pneumatics or electrical) of hasty form and basing only in his experience. However, to identify the solution of automation energetically more efficient, requires a technologically neutral comparison. This is exactly what realizar Festo to achieve some solutions of mecatrónica more efficient for his customers.

With the software of engineering PositionDrives for example, the users simply need some key data to obtain a correct solution. Which linear electromechanical actuator fulfils better with the specifications? All what needs is to enter the values of position, the useful load and the position of the installation, and the software will commission to suggest an optimum solution. With this avoids any wrong dimensioning or waste of power.

Portico in H of Festo
Portico in H of Festo.

Correct dimensioning with Software-tools

The correct dimensioning of the mechanical actuator, the engine and the reductor, avoids to duplicate the factors of hygiene, avoiding like this systems of electrical axles sobredimensionados and the corresponding energetic waste. The calculations realizar show that a consistent use of the PositionDrives for the dimensioning, can reduce the energetic costs in more than 70%.

A software of similar dimensioning of Festo helps to the users to select the correct size of the pneumatics actuator. Cylinders excessively big consume air unnecessarily whereas cylinders too many small need to be accionados to the maximum admissible pressesure. The systems of high pressesure are costly. The consumptions of air also can reduce by means of the use of cylinders of simple effect whenever it was possible.

Energetic saving in the system

When it uses the software for the pneumatics dimensioning, the simulations replace the costly real proofs in all the chain of pneumatics control. If it modifies a parameter, the program adapts automatically all the other parameters. When the users configure a chain of pneumatics control, the program ensures that all the components of the system are of the optimum size. This makes possible to reduce the losses of pressesure, the levels of pressesure and the sizes of the tubes. Electrical cables and pipes of short compressesed air also help to the energetic saving.

Festo Can create solutions energetically optimised for the systems of manipulation and the technology of control. The light systems of smart manipulation to install and totally tested, such as the tripod of manipulation of high speed EXPT or the portico in H EXCH of high speed, deliver directly in the place of application of the user. The low weight of the tripod, with his cinematic bar and electromechanical components standard and the bar of fibre of carbon ultraligera, ensures the efficient use of the technology of accionamiento.

The electrical axis of toothed belt Elga ensures a route to high speed. The system of intelligent vision SBOI-Q is responsible of the precision...
The electrical axis of toothed belt Elga ensures a route to high speed. The system of intelligent vision SBOI-Q is responsible of the precision.

Solutions of high speed

In the case of the portico in H, that offers the most dynamic movement of any design of portico, the motors estacionarios for the axles X and And ensure reduced masses in movement. In the systems of technology of control, for example, the controller of double engine CMMD with his intermediate circuits joined up takes advantage of the power of braked for purposes of recovery.

Another example of an ideal combination is: the electrical axis of toothed belt Elga, that ensures a route to high speed, with the system of intelligent vision SBOI-Q responsible of the precision. The group determines the real point and ensures that the pieces transported plant with precision. A typical example is a system of manipulation premontado to test electronic components, in which they have to control a big number of places of proof with rapidity and precision.

Camera like controller

But, how finds the axis with the module of pinza and the components to test, and where are the free places to realizar the proofs? Here it is where goes in the intelligent camera SBOI-Q of Festo. It controls the unit of electrical manipulation by means of a PLC integrated . The camera analyses the image of the real position in front of the data of reference. It uses the data to calculate the correct position for the axles X and Z of the unit of manipulation.

The camera SBOI-Q mounts in the leading part of the unit of electrical manipulation in voladizo. It takes the total control of the unit of manipulation thanks to the CoDeSys PLC integrated with functionality master CANopen. It does not require any additional control, so that all the system was less complex and also was faster and more economic that an axis of accionamiento by husillo.

Combinations of success

The tasks of manipulation of the customers determine the form that takes a solution, independently of the type of axis. The experts of Festo take advantage of the complete range of the company of more than 30.000 products to select the best solution of accionamiento (servoneumática, electrical or pneumatics) on a base of neutral technology. His principle of work is ‘The energetic efficiency by Mecatrónica is equal to success'. This formula is the result of inspiring solutions of Festo: efficient, safe and simple.

Less complex, faster and economic...
Less complex, faster and economic: the portico of manipulation that uses an axis of toothed belt and camera and works without axis of accionamiento by husillo comparatively costlier.

Related Companies or Entities

Festo Automation, S.A.U.

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