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The portico in H cartesiano for fragile pieces ultrarrápido of Festo is breaking all the records of speed

Module of manipulation without contact, ultrarrápido

Editorial Interempresas08/11/2013

The portico in H ultrarrápido of Festo is breaking all the records of speed. It is 30% faster that any module of manipulation cartesiano conventional – with costs of similar acquisition. Festo Has developed this module of manipulation ultrarrápido for operations of dynamic setting in the sectors of photovoltaic, electronic and manipulation of small pieces, and where require position small and light pieces of fast and flexible form.

This new type of portico 3D of flat surface covers an area of work squared considerably bigger that the one of the robots with cinematic delta, that only can operate in round areas or in shape of kidney. Other disadvantages of the robots delta are the high costs, the weight of the installation of around 150 kilograms and the necessary space.

New portico in H ultrarrápido for fragile pieces
New portico in H ultrarrápido for fragile pieces.

Low profile, fast and precise

On the other hand, the portico in H ultrarrápido has a very low profile, a low centre of gravity and a simpler base that the one of the fast robots delta. The characteristics of acceleration and deceleración optimised allow to reach a precision of 0,1 millimetres during the aspiration and hold.

Thanks to a trick of engineering, the portico in H reaches a speed of 5 m/s with an acceleration of 50 m/s². The two axles of toothed belt EGC are connected to the crossbar with a simple toothed belt giratoria around the axis of accionamiento. The belt is promoted by two servomotors EMMS. A positive secondary effect is that the engine does not need to be moved inside the area X-And with his two degrees of freedom of movement. And the loads reduced facilitate a fast movement, dynamic and with less wear.

Subjection with Bernoulli

The module of elevation giratorio of the portico in H ultrarrápido also is inventive. It is composed by a husillo hollow that allows the step of the power for the frontal module and forms the axis Z in which it finds the pinza to attach the pieces. The module of elevation giratorio accelerates to 20 m/s² until reaching a speed of 1,5 m/s. The sucker Bernoulli in the frontal of the module of elevation giratorio is the ideal solution for the manipulation of solar modules and other fragile pieces. Besides, it allows the use of pinzas mechanical and of empty with pieces from among 0 and 2 kilograms of weight.

System of subjection without contact with pinza of empty Bernoulli
System of subjection without contact with pinza of empty Bernoulli.

Applying overpressesure to the pinza Bernoulli, this takes the pieces such as the wafers of silicon practically without contact. Simultaneously it generates a depressesion in the surface to take to aspire the wafer. In this way the piece is attracted to the pinza until the load applied, the strength of contrapresión of the nozzle and the attraction that results of the strength of acceleration of the fluid are in balance. This occurs to one some distance (aprox. 0,5 to 3 mm) between the pinza and the surface to attach, by what the object keeps in his place without contact.

Robotics for solutions of systems

The system of manipulation bases in the robotic control CMXR. It combines mechanical systems, and the technician of accionamiento and of electrical control to form a complete cinematic solution and coordinate movements very dynamic in the space 3D. The unit CMXR also does to the times of interface with units of upper control, and at the same time, with the controllers of engine of the axles and the terminal of valves. And this is not everything. The controller also allows the inclusion of systems of vision like the System of intelligent Compact Vision SBO-Q of Festo. The applications with objects in movement also can realizar with the help of the system of vision and the systems of available transport

The solution of system lists to install supplies directly for the entirely mounted machine and tested. All the data of pertinent engineering and diagrams of circuits also supply , together with an integral operation and a guarantee of fixed price. The users no simply receive a hardware in shape of setting or smart subsystem to install, but a complete package of creation of value. The complete solutions reduce the load of work for the technical personnel, keep to a minimum the costs of engineering, simplify the process of acquisition and reduce the costs of the process.

Related Companies or Entities

Festo Automation, S.A.U.

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