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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Se constituye el foro permanente Química y Sociedad

Establishing the Permanent Forum chemistry and society


on October 28, 2005

The past 25 October, and chaired by the Rector of the Universidad Complutense, Carlos Berzosa, presented in the Faculty of Chemists of the Universidad Complutense of Madrid, the Chemical Permanent Forum and Society. This Forum is promoted by ten institutions: in representation of the professionals, the National Association of Chemists of Spain (ANQUE), the General Council of Schools of Chemists of Spain, and the General Mutuality of Social forecast of the Chemists. In representation of the scientific area and researcher, the Upper Council of Scientific Investigations (CSIC) and the Real Sociedad Spanish of Chemicals (RSEQ). In representation of the educational area, the Spanish Conference of Deans of Chemicals. In representation of the business and labour surroundings, the Business Federation of the Spanish Chemical Industry (FEIQUE), the State Federation of Affine Industries of the General Union of Workers (FIA-UGT) and the Textile Federation-Leather, Chemical and Affine of Working Commissions (FITEQA-CCOO). And, finally, like forum of diffusion and meeting of this science, the greater fair of chemicals of the Mediterranean, Expoquimia, International living room of Fira of Barcelona.

The representative institutions of all these communities, conscious of the importance of his individual paper, but also convinced that establish a common frame of able collaboration to orient the conjoint effort of all the institutions involved in the development of the chemicals supposes, in addition to an innovative experience, a decisive step to promote the advance and the knowledge of this science and his applications, have agreed to constitute the Chemical Permanent Forum and Society which pursues the following aims:

- Establish a channel of permanent dialogue with the society and his representatives that allow to give to know the contributions of the chemicals to the constant improvement of the quality of life.

- Cooperate with the media in the creation of informative spaces devoted to the diffusion of the science and his applications and constitute in a source of rigorous informative reference on the chemicals.

- Promote the Investigation, the Scientific Development and the Technological Innovation in the area of the chemicals, contributing to the generation of new products, applications and technologies that incidan in the improvement of the social welfare.

- Promote the excellence and quality of the education of the science in general, and of the chemicals in particular, from the first educational stages until the professional learning, technical and university, contributing to create a scientifically advanced society and professional of first level.

- Generate scientific vocations and recognise the work of the educational.

- Boost a competitive and sustainable development of the companies of the chemical sector rooted in Spain that allow to increase the contribution of this sector to the generation of wealth and employment.

- Promote Spain like educational international forum, scientist, technician and business in the field of the chemicals.

Simultaneously to the constitution of the Forum, has created the portal This portal constitutes a space of meeting and informative in all the related with the chemicals.

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