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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a Andreu Puñet, presidente de la Asociación Empresarial de Químicas de Tarragona (AEQT)

Interview with Andreu Puñet, President of the Business Association of chemical of Tarragona (AEQT)

María Escribano01/12/2004

"In the chemical sector of Tarragona are not registered relocation"

The history of the chemical industry of Tarragona begins to write in the early 1960s, years in which begin to settle the first companies to the polygons (North and South), such as Basf, Aiscondel and Aragonesas. In the 1970s, is consolidated industrial activity in the area, with the installation of Bayer, Ercros, Repsol, Hispavic, Dow, etc. More than forty years of chemical industrial tradition that have become the first petrochemical pole of the country and the first producer of ethylene in the South of Europe to Tarragona. In total, the Tarragona complex produces almost 20 million annual tons of various products, fuels, chemicals and petrochemicals.
From his post of President of the AEQT, how would you describe the polygon of Tarragona in comparison with others in Spain and in the European Union?
The polygon of Tarragona is very unique in its characteristics, starting because there are two polygons: the Northern ten miles off the coast, and South almost to the sea. In fact, its location was chosen by criteria similar to those two thousand years before the Roman Empire chose Tarraco as capital of average Iberian Peninsula: by the coordinates strategic. In other words, with a good port, to connect with all the Mediterranean countries, and good communications with the interior of the peninsula

Tarragona is the first petrochemical pole of the State, and the first producer of ethylene in the South of Europe. In total the Tarragona complex produces almost 20 million annual tons of various products, fuels, chemicals and petrochemicals.

Another singularity is derived from the own idiosyncrasies developed in Tarragona during the 40 years of chemical industrial tradition, based on an innovative business culture, which has benefited the municipalities of the environment closest to the location of industries. If the characteristics of the sector (strong investment, stable, qualified and well-paid employment) add you to this culture business innovative, generated a result embodied in the relations of consistency and synergy with the society of neighbouring peoples. By way of example, include the initiative of the Catalan Government to locate in Tarragona the ICIQ (Catalan Institute for chemical research), as well as other centres of provision of value added by associated companies such as r & d or centres of manufacture with the latest technologies do not to recognize the importance the polygon at the international level.

"Tarragona is the first chemical pole of the State"
In the new year begins, what are going to be the main lines of action of the Association who chairs?

In addition to progress in all the working lines already consolidated, next year will tell again with the development of the three basic pillars of the AEQT, reflected in its programme. The first of these, the transparency of information, as the best tool for a good policy of corporate social responsibility. It's get fluent communication with society, so that we will cooperate with the Department of education of the Generalitat de Catalunya through a training programme for teachers and students; This line of outreach/training we estrecharemos our relations with the Association of journalists. Also, we will hold briefings with trade unions to meet the objectives and planned actions in the sector.

The second objective is specific training for contractors, in order to match their knowledge with the employees of companies template; a programme agreed with the trade unions from the Observatory of the security that was established in March 2003. And, as a third objective, the improvement of infrastructure, with the deployment of the joint submarine emissary to the polígono sur project. A project in which it works together with public administrations.

"The competitiveness of the companies in the sector make the first producer of ethylene in the South of Europe"
You can highlight us main economic data of the companies of the AEQT in 2003: production, investment...
The overall balance is net growth. In general, plants which companies are operating in Tarragona are considered adequate and competitive for export to any corner of the planet, according to local demand and international prices.

A good indicator is the port of Tarragona, whose overall movement chemical industry contributes more than 60 per cent of the annual total, and that in 2003 recorded a clear growth.

Also, what have been most important in the production value and what activities the main destinations for the production of the associated companies?
Tarragona plants are strategic for their companies and are prepared to meet the needs of any market, so its production rate reaches of its full capacity, which represents an aggregate value of the set of the petrochemical activities of the order of about 8,400 million euros per year

A very remarkable fact is the added value that products manufactured in the companies give the infrastructure or the production of Tarragona. By way of example, Dow opened in October the first global plant for the manufacture in Europe of a new fibre for clothing, a plant which has r & d in Tarragona; Engelhard provides highly specialized in the manufacture of catalysts; BASF develops a line of specific product for Japan; Bayer has very selective production divisions of insulating polyurethane, which will contribute to achieving the Kyoto commitments.

During this year, investments in new plants will have executed amounting to about 75 million euros. In which production is concerned, as expressed above, the majority of the companies working according to its full production capacity

With all the data on the table, is how he hoped to conclude the year 2004?

After a strong investment cycle, which started already in 1999, expectations are for continued growth. A very important notable fact is that relocations are not registered in the chemical sector of Tarragona.

How many new investments are planned for 2005-2006?
With regard to investments, more than 1.5 billion euros in new installations or extensions of the productive capacities of the plants have been consolidated in the last five years. In addition, investments for maintenance of the facilities or the incorporation of new technologies to achieve maximum efficiency in processes, contribute in turn to improve security and ensure the protection of the environment. These initiatives in technological development represent, in the set of associated industries, a remarkable volume of annual investment on the order of 36 million, which does not reach the echo that have large and spectacular investment announcements.

They are currently underway (in various stages of completion) investments scheduled by value of about € 1.2 billion, and are constantly studied new projects to keep the cited continued growth.

"In 2004 will have executed in the polygon investment in new plants amounting to about 75 million euros"
Given the "bad press" that sometimes sprinkling the chemical industry in general, what can be done, in his view, to improve the image of the petrochemical industry?
In general terms, and according to the latest survey of public perception of the image that citizens have of the chemical industry, from the data that has been made public Feique of the European survey, this "bad press" has successfully evolved. One begins to appreciate the contributions of chemistry to the improvement of the quality of life of citizens, with what your image begins to position itself in the column of "have" and not in the of the "should".

In Tarragona, where the communication with the community and civil society is constant, through channels direct and stable, years ago that disappeared the topics of this bad press, and the image of the chemical industry is perceived as transparent.

By way of example, it should be named the open day held on Saturday 16 October. According to the results of the surveys to a thousand of citizens who participated in visits to chemical industries, more than half have positively improved their opinion after the visit. The data is not casual or free, because the days are held biennially for ten years in order to get closer to the population and show its facilities and the actions carried out in such important issues today such as the safety and the environment.


In addition to this open door policy for citizens, which is completed with the program of school visits and of collective civic, the policy of transparency of information developed with representatives of local organizations of municipalities with the chemical industryIt has been enhanced with the creation of a public Advisory Panel, in March 2003, as a means of interaction between community and industry.

This line of work is supplemented by specific actions in response to specific demands of civil society. For example, the episodes of bad smells in the spring of 2003, which bothered the population, while this implied any alarm (as even certified the competent administration), triggered a rapid response from the AEQT, as it was the launching of the Plan activation of environmental contingencies (PACMA). The PACMA is of considerable importance in the development of the petrochemical activity, and implies the existence of surveillance equipment 24 hours a day 365 days a year in order to intervene in any situation.

Proactive mode, and in line with the voluntary commitments, follows progress in the improvement of the relationship with the more immediate environment, and in all scenarios or possible fronts. This year, for example, there were signed cooperation agreements with the Ministry of education and with the College of journalists to develop two separate training programmes aimed at the respective professionals of each group, to end that can transmit better to their audiences the concept of chemical industry and its contributions to society.

Finally, we can not escape us point out the commitment to the sustainable development of the Camp de Tarragona, region that represents more than half province and covers several counties. Similarly it should be noted the support for the claims of other sectors of the productive economy, as the claim of the port - to whose activity the chemical industry contributes as we have said with more than the 60 percent of the volume of traffic of goods - to achieve the European gauge, or the establishment of new lines of maritime traffic.

Direct mode, I can not avoid a reference to the contribution of the chemical industry to the development of tourism in the Costa Daurada. Surplus water on their concessions, which generate industries, as a result of the optimization of its consumption, allow to help Councils to bear the above demand resulting from the influx of half a million tourists in summer.

"The Tarragona complex produces almost 20 million annual tons of various products, fuels, chemicals and petrochemicals"
Finally, what are the future plans of the AEQT in the short and medium term?
The plans for the future of the AEQT will continue to focus on the programmatic lines defined in our mission based on coordinate corporate actions for better representation, management and defence of the common interests of the companies associated with the aim of contributing to economic developmentecologically and socially in the province of Tarragona under the paradigm of sustainability, cooperation and transparency.

This objective will be reflected as we have said before in more specific activities such as:

  • Regular meetings with the associations of neighbors of our environment, promote visits by different groups to our industries, further developing and consolidating the Public Advisory Panel as a channel of dialogue between society and industry to achieve effective communication medium and long term.
  • Promote the relationship between the employees of the companies of the AEQT promoting the newsletter and the intranet; establish regular meetings, coordinating programmes of safety and training of the various companies.
  • To maintain fruitful relations with trade unions through the security agreements with contractors and the days of communication.
  • In the section on institutional relations is underway with the departament de medi ambient in the elaboration of a framework agreement for collaboration.
  • With the Departament d'Indústria i Treball progress is being made on security issues related to the quantitative analysis of risk of our industries. With the city councils will continue to boosting Pact of progress as well as participation in the European chemical regionsnetwork.
  • On issues related to education are to conduct courses on the Plaseqta for students and environment for high school teachers. With the University of Rovira i Virgili there are different collaborations such as the development of "e-learning" courses in the field of security, participation in the project of technology park for Tarragona, etc.

We believe that these activities represent an achievement both for the sector and for the environment, benefiting from the synergies generated under the terms of the presence of a chemical industry competitive, modern and rigorous with an innovative enterprise culture based already since its inception in a social responsibility which enabled the signing in February of 91 of the commitment to responsible conduct known in our environment as the Pacte Progrés.


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