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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a Miguel Burdeos, presidente de Quimacova
“The chemical sector characterises for being an emergent sector, at the same time that mature”

Interview to Miguel Burdeos, president of Quimacova

David Muñoz10/01/2013
The Valencian Community is the third region of Spain that more contributes to the national turnover of the chemical sector and the second by number of companies participants in this industry. To defend the interests of the Valencian chemical companies and conform a forum of exchange of contacts, experiences and knowledge inside the sector was cream Quimacova, Chemical and Environingingmental Association of the Chemical Sector of the Valencian Community, to whose president, Miguel Burdeos, have the pleasure to interview.

Which balance does of the 2012 for the chemical sector of the Valencian Community?

Can stand out that it has been a difficult year, because of the changes partner-economic that are suffering in our surroundings, but that have known salvaguardar because of our good do like skilled industrial state, what has redundado in a near growth to the 2 % regarding the previous year.

Miguel Burdeos, president of Quimacova
Miguel Burdeos, president of Quimacova.

It has of some data that reflect the weight that have the chemical companies of the region on the economy of the Valencian Community? And on the national chemical sector?

The chemical sector of the Valencian Community represents the 14 % of the turnover of the national chemical sector, being the third autonomous community in importance after Catalonia and Madrid. In number of companies of the chemical sector are the second Community, after Catalonia. The weight of our sector in the GDP of the Valencian Community situates around the 8 %.

How many companies form part already of Quimacova? In which fields work mostly these companies?

At present are 125 companies, of which 110 are industrial companies that realise different activities related with: Trade wholesale of chemical products, logistical Operator of transport of chemical products ADR, Manufacture of fertilisers and compound fertilizantes, Manufacture of phytosanitary ware and agroquímicos, Manufacture of soaps, detergents and other cleaning products, Manufacture of other chemical products (resins, fritas and enamels, tails and adhesive, …), Manufacture of perfumes, products of beauty and hygiene, Manufacture of paints and varnishes, and related with Environingingmental activities (Agents authorised of waste, Recovery of containers, Purification of waters, ...).

“The chemical sector of the Valencian Community represents the 14 % of the turnover of the national chemical sector, being the third autonomous community in importance after Catalonia and Madrid”

In a situation of economic crisis like which live, the internationalisation and the innovation are fundamental factors to take something of oxygen. With regard to the first, are going out to the outside of satisfactory form the Valencian chemical companies?

The chemical sector of the Valencian Community is a mature sector regarding the export of his products. The 80 % of our associated is exporting at present to an average of 20 distinct countries. Depending of the product that manufacture, the country of destination varies considerably, but yes is true that ‘go out was' is the solution for paliar the deterioration of the ‘national market'.

They result simple these strategic of internationalisation? It follows existing some fear to the unknown? Which are the main barriers to the export?

The main barriers to open new markets root especially in the desconocimiento of the channels of distribution more adapted for our products and in the final vicinity with the customer of the destination. The tariffs of each product, fixed by each country, and the contextual situation of the same also strong sound barriers of entrance to our products. On the other hand, the legislation and valid rule in each international zone is another of the factors determinantes in the export of products, especially in the chemical products.

Miguel Burdeos, president of Quimacova, and Máximo Buch, adviser of Industry of the Generalitat Valencian
Miguel Burdeos, president of Quimacova, and Máximo Buch, adviser of Industry of the Generalitat Valencian.

Regarding the innovation, appreciates that the chemical companies allocate now greater resources to the R&D that before (on the contrary that the Public Administration)?

The chemical sector characterises for being an emergent sector, at the same time that mature. It is the sector that allocates more investment in R&D, situating in 25% like national average. This value approximates a lot to the autonomic average (Valencian Community). The current investment in R&D in this sector always has been and will be a spearhead to keep the high specialisation and importance of this sector.

An increasingly important concept is the one of the sustainability, in his three slopes: social, economic and environingingmental. In this last point, considers that the worry by the conservation of our surroundings is increasingly present between the chemical companies?

Of course; this sector is the most legislated of all the industrial states. This does that the investments in the Industry are necessary for salvaguardar the integrity of the people and the environingingment. It is a sector that has very in account the sustainability and sample of this is that many of our companies are adhered to the European Program ‘Responsible Care'.

“Quimacova Is an entity that pretends to give support to the sector of an effective and coherent form”

In which fields is focalizando mostly his activity Quimacova nowadays? What last initiatives would like him stand out?

Quimacova Is an entity that pretends to give support to the sector of an effective and coherent form. Stand out especially the advice and information that realise on all the legislative matter that affects to the sector, the organisation of forums of meeting and groups of work that favour the exchange of problematic common and that contribute solutions by means of the exchange of experiences of our partners, the promotion of the R&D by means of a platform of Open Innovation (INNOQUIM) that favours the contact with the world researcher of the Valencian Community, and boosting projects and activities of cooperation between our partners, in addition to other a lot of activities that are of interest for the associated. We are a very active forum of exchange of contacts, experiences and knowledge inside the sector, this is a very important value in the current situation.

Participants in the day on the changes in the rule of transport of dangerous commodities, organised recently by Quimacova...
Participants in the day on the changes in the rule of transport of dangerous commodities, organised recently by Quimacova. Of left to right: José Eduardo Gómez, Anna Ferràs, Eduardo Navarro, José Joaquín García, Miguel Burdeos (president of Quimacova) and Félix Jover.

How it would encourage to the companies to form part of Quimacova? Which advantages would obtain forming part of the association?

The sector needs a valid and competent interlocutor for interactuar so much with the Public Administrations as with the private entities that require it. Quimacova Represents and defends to the sector in front of the competitions that transfer from the Central Government to the Autonomies, what redunda in important advantages. Part of our current success of growth is that we achieve ‘tangibilizar' the quota that pays an associated offering him services that redundan in immediate profit for his company.

Finally, how it thinks that it goes to be the 2013? We will discern the longed for recovery of the national market?

The year 2013 will be a year of changes, to the equal that the 2012; we will have to know adapt us to the situation and expect that we obtain a moderate growth, to the equal that this year.

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