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A work of R&D of the CSIC recovers the autochthonous varieties of vineyard

The heroic viticulture in Asturias

Editorial Interempresas04/01/2013
A group of investigation of the Upper Council of Scientific Investigations (CSIC) initiates a study in 1986, when the highland viticulture had disappeared, with the aim to determine the autochthonous varieties of the zone, improve his conservation and, by means of a system of cloning, reproduce them and commercialise them, for the manufacturing of wines of quality.

The CSIC has recovered the “heroic viticulture” in Asturias with a long work of R&D, whose results have allowed the despegue of a sector vinícola competitive that, in the actuality, produces wines of recognised quality.

Determine and locate the autochthonous varieties of the zone, improve his conservation and establish a system of selection clonal for his reproduction and introduction again in the market was the first aim of the study initiated in 1986 by the scientist of the CSIC Mª Carmen Martínez, manager of the team of Investigation of Viticulture of the Biological Mission of Galicia, when the highland viticulture in the zone Suroccidental of Asturias practically had disappeared.

The follow-up of the cultured varieties in an experimental plot established in Cangas of the Narcea in 1991 determined which are the autochthonous: albarín white, albarín tinto, verdejo black and carrasquín and his inclusion in an official list for his commercialisation. The development of several studies, like analysis of DNA, natural resistance to illnesses (Mildew, Oídio and Botytris) or influence of the microclimates allowed to select and clone those that are susceptible to produce wines of better quality.

With the first results of the work of R&D established like new objective wake up the interest of the viticultores of the zone to promote the creation of a sector vinícola that incida in the sustainable growth of the region putting in value the “heroic viticulture”, that only represents 5% of the viticulture to world-wide level, by his characteristics: in highland zones, upper altitude to the 700 metres, with strong slope and in small islands. This type of viticulture only is possible with the use of varieties extremely adapted to condition them limits where cultivate , what allows the obtaining of some wines of big peculiarity and authenticity.

The popularising work and of transfer

One of the most remarkable appearances is the popularising work and of transfer of results llevar by the researchers making it compatible with an investigation of high level, as it shows it the publication of numerous scientific articles and books. The divulging has headed to the viticultores, with the end to promote the recovery of the heroic viticulture, and to the local Administration, autonomic and national, with the aim to attain his implication. To the academic field and national and international scientist to encourage the opening of new lines of investigation and, to the society and particularly to the more youngsters, to improve his conservation like part of the roots and culture and like an alternative of interesting future.

The group of investigation, that forms part of the international organism Cervim (Centre gave Ricerche Studi and Valorisations per the Viticulture Montana), finalised in 2007 the selection clonal and the certification of the varieties of greater interest for the production of wines attaining the commercialisation in scoop (during five years) for the viticultores of Asturias.

The CSIC continues developing diverse studies of investigation and, in collaboration with the viticultores, realises a follow-up of the plants obtained of the selection clonal, in the different cultured plots, for the back divulging of the results with the end to contribute to the consolidation and positioning of the sector, that commercialises the wines under the protect of the Geographic Indication Protected Wines of Quality of Cangas and that at present promotes the sustainable development of the zone supposing an alternative to other sectors in declive.

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