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Carlos Black, president of the Chemical Forum and Society

“In Spain values increasingly to the chemical sector”

Editorial Interempresas16/11/2012
On 15 November it celebrated in Madrid the X Edition of the Day of the Chemicals, where took place the delivery of prizes of professional recognition, scientist and academician, and the presentation of the new portal web of the Chemical Forum and Society. Federico Morán, general secretary of Universities, clausuró the evento.

The Faculty of Chemical Sciences of the Universidad Complutense of Madrid (UCM) received the celebration of the X Edition of the Day of the Chemicals, an ephemeris created by the distinct organisms and sectorial associations and professionals of the chemical sector in Spain to give to know this science and industry and the advances and improvements of all type that make possible.

Inaugurated the celebration Kings Jiménez, dean of the Faculty of Chemical Sciences of the UCM and Carlos Black, president of the Chemical Forum and Society. In the closure had the intervention of Jesús Jiménez, president of the Real Sociedad Spanish of Chemicals; Antonio Male, vicedecano first of the General Council of Official Schools of Chemists of Spain; and Federico Morán, general secretary of Universities.

As it comes being usual in the celebration, Day of the Chemicals 2012 received the delivery of distinct prizes of prizes of recognition, that in this occasion have been the following.

Photo of group with the authorities and rewarded
Photo of group with the authorities and rewarded.

Prizes Suschem 2012 Young Chemical Researchers, Categories Innova and Future

The Prizes Suschem Young Chemical Researchers, that arrive this year to his IV edition, have by object recognise, incentivar and promote the scientific and informative activity between the young researchers of the Chemicals in Spain. They award in the categories: Innova, Future, Predoc and Postdoc.

  • The Prize Innova, conceded to Francisco Javier War Navarro, doctor in Chemical Sciences by the University of Castile-La Mancha, by his excellent work ‘Dendrimers ace Non-Viral Vehicles for Gene Therapy'.
  • The Future Prize, conceded to Cristina García Iriepa, graduate in Chemicals by the University of Alcalá de Henares, by the brilliant academic file accredited with a half qualification of 9,94 and 35 matrículas of honour.

Prize to the Chemical Excellence of the General Council of Official Schools of Chemists of Spain

The Prize to the Chemical Excellence, established the past 2011 international Year of the Chemicals, is a recognition the professional path put to the service of the investigation, innovation and divulging of the Science and Chemical Technology.

The Prize to the Chemical Excellence 2012 was awarded to María Tarsy Carballas, graduate in Pharmacy and Chemical Sciences and doctor in Pharmacy by the University of Santiago de Compostela. María Tarsy is pioneering in the study of the origin, classification and cartography of the floors of zone tempered-humid of Spain and in recovery of floors affected by fires, an area of knowledge in which the chemists exert an important paper. It is doctor ad honorem in the Institute of Investigations Agrobiológicas of the CSIC, centre of the that was director during 10 years.

General sight of the room
General sight of the room.

Prize Anque of the Year to the corporate and professional recognition

The Prize of the National Association of Chemists of Spain (Anque) in this his V edition conceded to Gerardo Gutiérrez, graduate in Chemical Sciences by the Universidad Complutense of Madrid. Gerardo Gutiérrez is president of Gadea Pharmaceutical Group, one of the few companies of the world devoted to the corticoesteroides. Gadea Pharmaceutical group defines by differential values like the innovation or the internationalisation, and by a recognised gestión of human resources —recently has received the prize Forum Boroughs-Economic Castile and Leon to the best gestión in this field. Gerardo Gutiérrez chairs the Association of the Familiar Company of Castile and Leon from the past month of February.

Medal of Gold of the Real Sociedad Spanish of Chemicals and Prize Feique of Investigation

The Real Sociedad Spanish of Chemicals awarded with the Prize Feique of Investigation 2012, to the that accompanies him the Medal of Gold of this institution, to Nazario Martín León, chair of Organic Chemicals in the Universidad Complutense of Madrid and director attach of Imdea Nanociencia. Nazario Martín is specialist in chemical supramolecular, particularly in the combination of the chemicals of fullerenos with the nanotechnology. The Prize of Investigation of the Business Federation of the Spanish Chemical Industry (Feique) is endowed with 10.000 euros.

Greater knowledge and greater assessment of the Chemicals

In his review of the performances this year of the Chemical Forum and Society, entity whose aim is to promote the knowledge and development of the chemicals, his president, Carlos Black, has done special upsetting in two performances: the launching of the informative web ‘Have Chemical' (, headed to young of 15 to 25 years and that presents also the options that offers the Professional Learning, whose professional profiles are very sued by the Chemical Industry; and the new Portal web of the Chemical Forum and Society.

The portal Chemical Forum and Society ( is leader of the sector in Spain with more than 600.000 pages seen the past 2011. Day of the Chemicals 2012, premières an image renewed and much more visual. The new portal presents adaptation to mobile devices, ease of interaction with social networks, diary in cover, interrelationship of news and evento, and visualisation of videos between other improvements. The portal Chemical Forum and Society has almost 10.000 subscriptores in spite of having all his contents in open for visualisation.

Chemical forum and Society issues also the Chemical digital Bulletin and Society and collaborates actively in the diffusion of conferences and activities related with the chemicals in Spain, participating besides in the organisation of some of them.

This activity of diffusion is giving his fruit. “The surveys show a positive assessment of the sector”, has aimed Carlos Black. “In Spain values increasingly to the chemical sector, because it goes understanding his vital contribution to the improvement of our quality of life and his indispensable contribution of solutions to face up to the challenges to which confronts the society as they are the increase of population, the demand of power, or the climatic change”.

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