Original Buff, S.A. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Original Buff, S.A.
França, 16 - Pol. Ind. Les Comes
08700 Igualada (Barcelona) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑938054861   +34‑938017036  
🖷:  +34‑938044702
w:  www.buff.com/es_es/category-professional
Designer and manufacturer of tubular multifuncionales

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Original Buff, S.A.

Original Buff S.A. is a company established in Equalised, a small city to 60km of Barcelona. His central office together with the plant of production occupies some installations of 8.000 m2. They are more than 100 workers, although more than workers are mates, and is this spirit of team what carries them to look for the perfection. That's why they control all the process of production, design, tooling and communication of his products. All this allows them improve, day in day out, the level of quality so much of products as of services.

In 1992 Original Buff S.A. created the first tubular multifuncional without sewings under the mark Buff and in the actuality, more than 80% of the sales corresponds to exports to more than 60 countries. Original Buff S.A. also has an office of sales and warehouse in USES. Original Buff S.A. began in 2006 to develop and commercialise a line of tubular multifuncionales directed to the professional and industrial market under the name of Buff® Professional.