Alimatic, S.L. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Alimatic, S.L.
Andorra, 19 B-C
08830 Sant Boi de Llobregat (Barcelona) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑936525680  
🖷:  +34‑936383878
Auxiliary equipment for the industry of the plastic

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Alimatic, S.L.

Alimatic, S.L., founded in the year 1987, is the first Spanish manufacturer of peripheral equipment for the industry of transformation of plastics, with more than 500 installations sold .

Alimatic, S.L. Factory, under own design, installations and equipment of pneumatics transport, dryers, dehumidifiers, mezcladores, etc.

Although in his starts devoted basically to the construction of equipment and installations of pneumatics transport, as they were growing the needs of the transformers and the raw materials, was developing new equipment for the process of the plastic materials, adapting to the the exigencias of the market.

The department of R&D of Alimatic, is in continuous process of development of new products and improvement of the current, to achieve equipment safer, with less energetic cost and of course more economic.

In the year 2003 constituted Alimatic Brazil, to attend the big market of Brazil, and support the sales of Centre, North and Sudamérica.

At present it occupies an important position in the markets of Mexico, Chile, Portugal and France.

Other countries where Alimatic is opening market, with installations and equipment already in operation, are Belgium, Holland, Romania, Czech Republic, Hungary, Turquia, Algeria, Morocco, Cuba, Argentina, And.And.Or.Or.

Alimatic Participates from does years, with stand own, in the most important fairs of the sector of the plastics, like Künstoff (Düsseldorf), Equiplast (Barcelona), Plastimagen (Mexico), Brasilplast (Brazil)

Alimatic, S.L., it designs and it builds

Installations of pneumatics transport by empty, for plastic materials in granza or dust.

Equipment of individual transport, with motors monofásicos and trifásicos.

Equipment and complete installations for storage, transport, dosage, etc. of materials

Equipment and installations for the storage and handling of optical PC.

Installations of deshumidificación, by dry air, of hygroscopic plastic materials, with a big range of capacities, from 40 m3/h. Until 1800 m3/h. Of discharge of air.

Equipment of dried by hot air of plastic materials no hygroscopic, with range from 30 m3/h. Until 1800 m3/h. Of discharge of air.

Systems for the load of silos, of different capacities, with pertinent materials from big-bags or for pertinent materials of port container.

System of control of level in hoppers, silos, etc., by cells of weighing, wire of microwaves guided, palettes, etc.

Alimatic complete his program with equipment mezcladores dosificadores volumetric, gravimétricos, silos in stainless steel, aluminium, ironinging, flexible

The wide range of systems Alimatic, allows him supply from the silos for recepcionar the prime matter, until the entrance of the product to the machine of transformation, going through the diverse processes for the treatment of materials.