Sistemas y Tecnologías Ambientales, S.A. - Biofuels - Equipment, systems and engineering

Systems of treatment of biogás

Picture of Systems of treatment of biogás
The biogás obtained in the dumps, in the processes of digestion of waste or in the debuggers are used to to contain high concentrations of carbon dioxide, of acid sulfhídrico and even in some cases of siloxanos that hamper his aprovechamiento in motors of cogeneration for the obtaining of power.

They exist in these different moments technologies that allow: the purification of the acid sulfhídrico by means of biolavados catalytic; and the conditioning of the biogás for his use in an engine of cogeneration by means of processes of condensation that debug the impurities that can be presents in the biogás of the type H2S, humidity, siloxanos, etc.

Until the enrichment of the biogás by means of processes of extreme condensation until similar quality to the natural gas for his use in buses or for his connection to the network of supply of the natural gas.