Comercial de Transmisiones, S.A. (COTRANSA) - Positioners


Systems of positioning: for automations of manutención

Picture of Systems of positioning

Inside the range of systems of mechanical positioning of precision Autorotor, Cotranta commercialises the rings of intermittent twist, composed of 6 sizes with inner diameters between 450 and 1600 mm. These allow movements of loads of until 36.000 kg with the maximum speed and reliability thanks to his levy cylindrical of big diameter.

These systems are ideal for automations of manutención in lines robotizadas in the which the robots, machines or connections of the lines owe to be by the interior of these to occupy like this the lower possible space. They keep the precision of all the range in the concerning repetibilidad (± 0,015 mm) and planitud (0,030 mm).

They serve totally motorised with the possibility to be able to them control electronically and with a complete range of accessories.

Cotransa Has of the CAD of these new models for use of the engineers interested.