Sistemas y Tecnologías Ambientales, S.A. - Biofilter systems

Systems of biofiltración: with a big efficiency from the first day of operation

Picture of Systems of biofiltración
The process of purification of gases by means of biofiltración states generally of a pretratamiento of wash that filters and conditions the air to treat, doing that it reach the temperature and the optimum humidity for the back biological treatment. The biofiltro properly said is formed by a porous and inert structure that serves of support of the crops bacterianos that realise the purification. To measure that the gas crosses the mulch filtrante, the contaminantes and nutrients are incorporated by the present microorganisms in the biofiltro that transform them in innocuous compounds.

In the biological filters advanced commercialised by STA, unlike what occurs in the biofiltros conventional, the support is of inorganic type what contributes a mechanical structure very homogénea and resistant that guarantees an useful life of until 8 years (in comparison of the 2-3 usual years) and a loss of load very low what allows that the energetic costs of ventilation are until 3 inferior times that in a biofiltro conventional..

Besides, in the biological filters advanced, the efficiency of purification is very high, upper to 95% of reduction of smells, and upper of 98% for the H2S and the NH3, significantly upper to which present the biofiltros conventional, and offer said high efficiency from the first day of operation since they inoculate specific microorganisms for each concrete case..

The concentrations of smell to the exit of the biological filters advanced installed in infrastructures of environingingmental treatment (Edar, treatment of fangos, composting, biometanización,…) and industries (alimentary and other) find typically underneath of the 500 UO/m3, being able to in this way guarantee unambiguously the fulfillment of the limits of broadcast odorífera more demanding.