FM Grupo Tecnológico - Hospital facilities

FM grupo tecnológico

Shield Stabolec system: for scanning rooms

Picture of Shield Stabolec system
Stabolec EMC Electromagnetic is a system of magnetic shielding for the MRI scan room. 5-Gauss of magnetic field line should not extend outside the limits, because this line affects to the implants or pacemakers of people, causes discomfort to TV, computer monitors, scanners, ultrasound, etc. The MRI scanner may also have interference in its operation caused by traffic, elevators or any moving object with high level of magnetic ferrous metals.

Magnetic shielding or Stabolec is the introduction of a ferrous metal with a high permeability. To carry out this shield is necessary to a full study, through a series of multiple calculations. In such a way that the magnetic field is properly contained within the desired perimeter. Various materials are available for the achievement of an appropriate magnetic shielding, the choice of the most suitable type depends on the requirements of the supplier of the system of magnetic resonance as technical feasibility study.