Soltekin, S.L. - Bordes sensibles de seguridad


Sensitive edges of hygiene: in search of the maximum of hygiene

Picture of Sensitive edges of hygiene
The sensitive edges of hygiene use in the protection of the edges of mobile parts, in the points that present aplastamientos or shearings.

They are widely used in the unemployment of motorised doors, machines and equipment of manipulated automatic for the protection of people and equipment.

They consist in a profile of fixation of aluminium, a protective profile of rubber and a strip of contact of hygiene. The design of the protective profile of rubber EPDM or NBR allows the performance from angles of 90°. The group can be autocontrolado applying the principle of enclosed circuits. The last edge of a possible connection in series of sensitive edges can be connected, together with the first, to a module of self-supervision, what allows the detection of breaks of threads or his cortocircuitado.

The hygiene is certified by Organisms Notified Europeans, fulfilling the European norms IN and German DIN applicable. Under demand can supply the certificates of corresponding proofs.

The design.

The strip of contact is situated inside the protective profile of rubber and presents double cables in both extremes, that go out to the outside like threads of connection. The protective profile of rubber EPDM or NBR allows the effective performance of the edge and protects the strip of mechanical damages, being sealed in his extremes with the same material and an adhesive special permanently flexible, what gives him estanqueidad to the group. The group of the sensitive edge is inserted in the profile type C of fixation of aluminium.

The strip of hygiene SKS18.

The strip of contact of hygiene SKS18 uses like element of contact of a big variety of sensitive edges. The material that it is composed and his studied geometry are the best advantages with regard to other designs. His envolvente external of EPDM includes in his interior two opposite surfaces of conductive rubber, that include both fine drivers of copper that reduce his linear resistance in stretches longer of 100 metres.