Omnia Techonologies Iberica, S.A - Della Toffola - Filters and filtering components


Rotary vacuum filters: filtration is continuous

Picture of Rotary vacuum filters
This type of filters have been designed and made to effectively treat a wide range of raw materials or products of the wine sector.

Filtration is continuous with a blade scraper which removes residual substances at every turn of the drum.

Filters vacuum makes evenly, ensuring an ideal distribution of the depression with increased hourly production.

The Filter panel, if a momentary interruption of power, remains intact on the drum for a good period of time.

Two different types of construction are available: filters with pump of foreign extraccion-filtrado: this version of pre-investment vacuum filter is characterized by his special technique of extraction of filtrate.

The filter is designed and built with modern rational criteria that allow a simple execution and complete control of all components also facilitating normal maintenance operations; latter can be performed by unskilled personnel.

All models are mounted on wheels to be able to move them easily in the periods in which they are used and then, when resting in the cellar during periods that are not used.

This solution is particularly appreciated by small producers who are installed series on a single machine of small pumps feeding, extraction-filtration vacuum and for the mixture of diatomite.

Models from 2.5 to 6 m2.

Inside extraccion-filtrado pump: this type of filter provides filtration continuously and automatic large volumes of fluid with heavy concentrations of suspended solids.

These models are characterized by a drum with circuits separate air and filtered product; Therefore it is possible to obtain a devoid of oxidation and foam filter. In addition the drum, due to its structure, be easily inspected inside and can be perfectly cleaned.

In this version the vacuum is formed in all the interior volume of the drum. The filtrate is then sucked directly from the inside by using the pump contains.

Models from 10 to 60 m2.