Comercial de Transmisiones, S.A. (COTRANSA) - Protection for machinery

Protection for machinery: by means of profiles of aluminium

Picture of Protection for machinery

The range of profiling of aluminium of Cotransa has completed with the range of profiles for protection for machinery, available with two different finishings: anodizado silver and anodizado Elox. This range is allocated to sectors of scheme-tool, packaging, packed, manipulation, etc., with a range in stainless steel allocated to sectors of feeding, conservero, among others.

The aim of this profiling is to facilitate the setting and give specific solutions and individualizadas to protections of machinery of reduced dimensions on the bancada of the machine, the chassis of the conveyor the structure of the manipulador, etc.

The big variety so much of profiles of square section (20, 25 and 30 mm) as of accessories for setting (elbows of union, bisagras, supports for panels of metacrilato, polycarbonate, rejilla metallic, etc., bisagras, micros of electrical hygiene, manillas, among others) allow crowd of options to reach the best of the solutions combining hygiene, economy and aesthetic of schemes it.