Gimatic Iberia, S.L. - Universal robot grippers

Gimatic MPLM 1630, 2535, 3240

Pinzas Of two parallel fingers: and of big career

Picture of Pinzas Of two parallel fingers
Pinza For Iphone and also for Android, with her can consult all the documentation of which has Gimatic in different languages.

- Simple operation Plug&Play.

- Without electrical consumption when the pinza reaches his position of work.

- It is not necessary to realizar programming.

- It guarantees the fixation of the piece without tension.

- It adapts to the dimensions of the piece.

- Motorisation brushless CC (without brushes), what ensures a long electrical life (24 Vcc; GND; open/enclosed).

- Accionamiento Of the engine (driver) integrated .

- Feeding to low tension 24 Vcc.

- Connection by means of connector M8 x 1 - 3 poles.

- Controllable easily from PLC, by means of digital signal.

- System autocentrante patented.

- Supported cinematic chain by threads.

- System of reduction (husillo) in fibre of carbon.

- Robust system of guided in “T”

- Without maintenance at least during 5 million cycles.

- Excellent relation between the career forces/weight.

- Digital or analog sensors optional.

- Setting modulate with rest of rotary presses actuators of the range.